Messages MOTHER OF LOVE - 1994 -2003


First message of The Mother of Love
Saturday 26th March 1994 at 10.35 p.m. in San Pancrazio
This message was received during an apparition.

My child, I am The Mother, write for all your brothers:
"My dear children, I have prayed with you, I pray with and I will always pray with you. Children, this is a promise to you, it is a promise that The Mother will keep. Children, I always pray with you, particularly when you ask God for peace, love and charity. Dear children I am a mother, yes, The Mother of Love and I would like you to pray for peace and love in the world, which are constantly threatened. Pray, pray my children for your country, for this land particularly loved by Me and by my dear Jesus. You see my children, from today onwards I would like to bring my messages to your brothers so that you all can prepare yourself for the return of Jesus Christ who sends me the words ‘Mother, go again to your children and my brothers, they are weak, they wait for you. Travel all over the world and tell them that I am physically coming back to stop hate, wars, persecutions and all the injustices at this time. Mother, the world is going further and further away from salvation, go and recall all my brothers…’. This is the reason why, my dear children, I am appearing everywhere in the world and why I bring my messages also to this instrument. Children, I am not telling you that every ten or thirty days I will come and bring my message, but whenever you meet to pray you will not miss my greetings, my blessing, my caresses and my motherly calls. Children, I join you and the Vicar of Christ’s intentions in prayer at this time when he is praying for Italy. I bless you all my children, I embrace each of you starting from the little ones, I place my hands on you all. Children, tonight my blessing is invoked by the Holy Trinity, it is thus in the name of God who is Father, in the name of God who is Son, Jesus your brother, in the name of God who is the Spirit of Love, Spirit of Strength and Illumination. Amen.
Children we say together, with our heart, to Jesus who sends me among you: Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus! Come back soon Jesus!
Peace to all of you my children.
Good bye my children".

Wednesday 13th July 1994 at 08.40 p.m. in San Pancrazio (Brescia).
This message was received during an apparition.

My dear child, write for all your brothers:
"Beloved children, may peace be in you and with you. Beloved children, may peace stay with you, with groups, with people, may peace stay always among my children.
Dear children, tonight your Mother thanks you for the efforts you make in witnessing her as Mother of Love. Children, be witnesses especially of Jesus Christ. Be faithful to Him! Witness His love, His endless goodness for you and for all! Dear children, I ask you to witness Jesus and also his Mother who would like everyone to be saved.
Strive my dear children for this, love each other, love your brothers, do not nurse a grudge against anybody, not even against those who call you betrayers, those who cause you suffering and hate you. Go on loving all and praying for everybody, especially for those who hate, those who sin and offend God.
Children, I am close to you, I help you, I caress you. I bless all my dear children who tonight are gathered to pray; I open my mantle on them and I invoke the blessing of God who is Father, of God who is Son, of God who is the Spirit of Love. Amen.
My children, love Jesus, live his Gospel, live what he told you.
Children, as when in Canaan in Galilee now I tell you ‘Do whatever he tells you to do’. Children, Luke the Evangelist in chapter two (2,19-2,51) wrote this very important thing ‘His mother stored up all these things in her heart’. Yes my children, as mother I have stored up many things in my heart; I saw Jesus, the King of the Kings playing and making jokes with his friends, I saw Jesus crying, I saw him running with his friends, I saw Jesus praying to the Father, I looked at Jesus. How many things I have stored up in my heart and now I reveal them to the world through my instruments. How many secrets kept in my mother’s heart, and now, children, according to God’s will I talk to you and reveal many of them to my children. I want all of you to be safe, I want all of you at Jesus’ school: my children through penance, sacrifice and prayers to obtain salvation. I am with you my children. I pray with you, I prayed with the disciples and apostles of Jesus and in the same way today I am praying with you.
My children, in the Holy Gospel, which you sometimes do not know and do not read much, you can read how the first periods after Jesus’ death and resurrection were.
Read Acts 1,12-14 and 2,1-4; my children read and meditate God’s word. It is really His word, you have it in your hands and often you do not think of it. Pay attention my children, live this word of life, live and love it. I come to remind you of this, to live the Holy Gospel, your Mother comes and will come so that you can live until the end the words of her Son. My dear child, when you wake up from this sleep read also Acts of the Apostles 4,32. My children, I would like to see you like this, devoted in prayer and loving your brothers. Children, come back to the origins, love each other as brothers and sisters, really love each other. I know my children, you cannot live as the disciples and apostles did, but amongst you would there not be a chief, a most important one, all of you are God’s children in the same way! God does not love you for what you are or what you think you are, God loves all of you in the same way.
My children, these are a few considerations for tonight - a little long your Mother tonight, isn’t she? Children, do not get bored of the love God has for you, do not refuse the words of your Mother. If you refuse me you refuse he who has sent me, you refuse Jesus, God. Children, love Jesus, love me as well and live the Gospel, the important thing is that you live what I tell you because it is Jesus’ Gospel what I tell you with these simple words.
I bless you my children, I bless the Vicar of Christ, the bishops and the priests. I bless the doctors, the nurses, and the sick people, those suffering from AIDS.
I bless the lepers, those who suffer from heart diseases, those who are mentally ill,
I bless those who assist and cure them. My children, I bless the prisoners, the drug dependants and those who in trouble do not respect that life is a great gift of God.
I bless all of you, I bless your houses, your villages, your diocese, your bishop, the religious things especially the Holy Rosaries. I bless all and I caress you all.
Children, with a warm heart we say all our love to Jesus: Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus! Children, peace to everybody.
Good bye my children".


Wednesday 31st May 1995 at 06.00 p.m. in San Pancrazio (Brescia).
This message was received during an apparition.

My dear child, write for all your brothers:
"My dear and beloved children, today me, Mary, your Mother of Love, through my instrument, in these beloved places comes to visit you and recall you. Dear children, so many times I have asked you to pray yes children, to pray. All what you do your words, your work have to become a prayer. Prayer has to be your study, your looking after your children, people in need, your time, your staying together or alone.
My dear, how many times I have asked you for prayer! How many times I have asked to you to take the Holy Rosary and pray, how often I have asked you to live your prayers and to live in the Mystic Body of Christ. I have asked you so many times to receive the Holy Sacraments. I ask you insistently to confess in order to be able to receive the Eucharist with a clean and pure heart. Dear children, Jesus alive and real is always waiting for you to forgive you and give you his Body and his Blood.
Children live the Baptism, thanks to this great God’s gift you have been cleaned from the sin and you have become real God’s children. You were little when you were baptised, now you have grown up so please thank God.
Children live the Sacrament of Confirmation, live the effusion of the Spirit of Love, live the gifts the Holy Spirit gives you do not keep them for yourself, they are for you for the service of everybody.
Thanks to this Sacrament you are enlisted in the big army of Love. Children, you are real soldiers and remember, in you hands no weapons but the Holy Rosary.
Children, open your hearts! And you husbands and wives live the Sacrament of Marriage and imitate the Nazareth family. Live the love for the sacrament between you, in your families, in your house and in your city.
Ministers of My Son live the Sacrament of Ordination your duty to take care, cure, bless and bring souls to God. Help who is doubtful, support who wavers, pick up who falls, look for whom is lost, listen to whom is in need, pray for your brothers you know and for those you do not know.
Beloved children, bless your brothers, give love and help to everyone, God has chosen you and asks you to be among His people, to be His hands and His feet.
Children, I have asked you so many times to be humble, very humble, pure as doves, charitable and witness. Children, how many times I have asked you to come back to God! Children, how many times I have asked you to come back to the Gospel!
Read the Holy Gospel, meditate it and live it with your brothers. Children, how many times I have asked you to be salt, yeast and apostles. Dear children, I remind you again to live what I have asked you and I ask you once again to obey the Holy Church of God. Children, do not let happen that on one day your Mother says "Children you did not listen to me". So children do not fall asleep, do not get used to my recalls, it is time to act. In a few days my instruments will enter that church almost unnoticed [the Tengattini church in Paratico, place of apparitions], but there will come a day, my children, when you will enter that church singing ‘Jesus I love you! Mother I love you!’ There will come a day when who doubts will come back, who has opposed these events will beg for forgiveness, who has cursed and desecrated will beg God for forgiveness.
There will come a day when Lourdes will be among you, not only as memory of a stone from a far place but as way to conversion and prayer. Therefore on the 26th you will be there, in the place I have already told you and there I will talk to you.
Yes my children, Jesus, the Saviour wishes me to recall you to come back to Him. Children remember, the only and real Saviour is Him, Jesus Christ. Children, whilst I am talking to you about big events I think to those who do not believe to my coming here in this place. To those I say "Children, you are in my heart, I love you, love my Jesus, follow the way that takes to Him". Children, pray for your brothers, also for those who do not believe, for those who oppose, for those who sow discord.
I bless you beloved children, I place my hands on you and caress you.
We start together the month dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the Divine Heart who loves you as if you are the universe, yes my children, the universe! We tell him with our heart: "Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus save the world!"
I bless you in the name of God who is Father, in the name of God who is Son, in the name of God who is the Spirit of Love. Amen. Children, prepare yourself with prayers to the day when the Church celebrates the Pentecost. May the Holy Spirit descend on each of you. I kiss you.
Good bye my children".

Tuesday 26th September 1995 at 09.10 p.m. in the square of the Tengattini Church in Paratico (Brescia).

My dear children, beloved children I have prayed with you, I pray with you and I will always pray with you. Dear children, this is the time where your prayer has to be your work and your staying with friends. Your prayer has to be all what you do and all what you say. Beloved children, in this place chosen by God the Almighty I would like you to meet on each 26th of the month. Jesus Christ, the Son of God wanted His Mother Mary, The Mother of Love, to come here and bring her calls and messages.
It has been now for 18 months, my beloved children, that through this instrument of mine I have come in these valleys so much loved and blessed to bring my messages. Dear children I ask you again to come back to God, come back to God my children!
It is now time to live your choices: or with Christ or against Him. You want to be with Jesus, so live his words, live the Holy Sacraments, live the belonging to the Mystic Body of Christ, be living parts of the Church. All of you here have been baptised, it is the great Sacrament that has made you God’s children. You were very little when you got baptised, you do not remember it, and you have been also confirmed so my children, be witnesses of Jesus Christ. I ask you again to receive the Holy Eucharist, to go to confession and to the ministers of God I ask to live their ministry. As Mother of Love I come to tell you "My children, you see, you are in a big Church you know? Yes my children, love is the walls and the roof is the sky" and you are here together with Mary, your guardian angels and of your families, the guardian angel of this diocese, of this parish, of this dear Italy. The archangels Michael, Raphael and Gabriel are here with us as well as your patron Saints, San Giuda Taddeo, San Luigi Gonzaga, Santa Maria Goretti. All your brothers who rejoice in God’s light are here with Me to celebrate and to say ‘Come on, Jesus is coming back, Jesus Christ will open you the doors of His Church, of His Holy Temple’. Children, I bless you and caress you. I would like to bless the Vicar of Christ the Pope and all bishops, especially the bishop that yesterday has met my instrument. I would like to bless the priests, those who suffer physically and spiritually. To that woman who has come here anguished for her daughter, I say "Dear daughter I will answer your prayers!". Beloved children, I bless each of you starting from the little ones, and the young’s whom I tell "Remember, the world is in your hands! You will be witnesses of Jesus Christ, you will be the new Church of God."
I bless you in the name of God who is Father, in the name of God who is Son, Jesus, the Redeemer, the Saviour, in the name of God who is the Spirit of Love. Amen.
Dear children, we want to say really with our heart to Jesus who lives and who is close to you: "Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus!"
Dear children, Spiritus Domini super vos et in vos… l’Esprit de Dieu sur vous mes fils…Espirito de Dios en vuestros corazones… come on children! Come on, I am close to you, I support my instrument, I support his mission and your apostolate.
I caress you, I place my hands on you and I give you peace.
Good bye my children.


Friday 26th January 1996 at 09.30 p.m. in the square in front of
the Tengattini church in Paratico (Brescia).

My children, my dear children, I have prayed with you and I am with you any time you meet to pray. I am always with you to pray waiting for Jesus Christ to come back.
Dear children, it is time to prepare your heart to wait for him whom since a long time is saying through me, your Mother "Brothers, children, prepare yourself because I am coming back to visit the humanity, this earth (and it will not be the end) as in the Holy Scripture is written ‘one will be taken the other one left…".
You see my dear children, tonight you are here in spite of the bad weather, it is cold but this cold is nothing compared to the cold surrounding the Divine Heart of Jesus. Man does not want to respect life, man is looking for who knows which ideal, man does not want to understand that the only way leading to God, the way that has been marked out by Him is the way I am showing you. Children, it is now time to change your life, -do all what you can-, into a prayer, your life has to be prayer, witness, gift to God who is Father, God who is Son, God who is Holy Spirit. Come on dear children, change your life, change it into an agreeable prayer to God!
Beloved children, tonight together with you I would like to remind you God’s Commandments, the Ten Commandments. My children think, think carefully, do you remember them? I have already told you about them, but I would like to recall you once again on their obedience and respect.
‘You will have no gods other than me’ ; the world, the paganism, the society has changed everything. Singers, football players are god, staying out all night long has become god, god is having who knows whom and what. Many things have replaced God and man creates always other gods, it is not anymore the Golden Calf my children but many idols; you do not pay attention but any little thing can become your god. Leave everything my children, stand up and walk towards the real, unique God who loves you so much! And to those who do not respect the name of God, my appeal not to pronounce in vain the name of the Creator who is bringing this humanity to salvation. You as well, beloved children, ‘do not misuse the name of Yahweh, your God’, do not misuse it in front of children, do not mention it to scoff it, to blaspheme it. Only mention the name of God to say often ‘Our Father…’, to pray.
Observe the Sabbath day and keep it holy’; You say "I have to take my son to the stadium, I have to take my wife to her parents…" How many excuses my children!
All these excuses not to go to the church, dear children, remember to observe that day, that day is your day when Christ Jesus remembers to you and the world that He is resurrected and that you will resurrect with Him. ‘Honour your father and your mother. To those whom their parents still leave I remind to respect them because they gave you a body in which God has put a soul; the respect has to be vice versa. Children have to respect their parents and parents have to respect, love and educate with a Christian example their children, the same example Joseph and I gave Jesus and the example Jesus gave us. You must not kill. My dear children, how many mothers kill their children still in their wombs, how many mothers do not want to accept life! Many do not want to respect life, the great gift God has given. ‘You must not kill’ does not mean not to kill physically, it means also not to tell bad about your brothers, you often say ‘the pen is mightier than the sword’ so respect life which is a gift of God. You must not commit adultery ; respect of life has to be respect of each other’s body, live the wedding beloved children, live chastity and respect your brother or sister’s body. You must not steal and you must not set your heart on your neighbour's possession. Oh my dear children, man is more and more egoist, rich men want to become richer and they steal to poor. ‘You must not steal’ means being right, charitable. Do not desire your neighbour’s possession, do not desire what is not yours, many times man wants even the gifts God has given to other brothers. Do not desire what is not yours, thank God for what you have, even if it is not much it is always a gift of God! You must not give false evidence against your fellow. How many of your brothers, and you know it through mass media, are false witnesses and many say to bring justice and lead the nations… where do they want to lead this nation and the world my children? They trick with false words, my children it is time to tell everyone the truth, the truth has to shine and not to be hidden. You must not set your heart on your neighbour’s spouse. My children, this command does not mean only not to desire the man or the woman who is unattainable, it says ‘keep away from desiring the man and woman who is not yours’. I institutions have brought in the divorce, the big evil project in the society: the divorce. How can you ask God for peace in the world if first there is no peace in your families! Respect the feelings, respect joys, respect enthusiasm, do not desire what leads you to sin. Be faithful to your commitment, be faithful to what you have pronounced. Dear children, I ask you once again to live the Law of God because this is the starting point, the Law that changes you only if you respect it. Respect then what God has given you: His Commandments.
Beloved children, I ask you to live your belonging to the Mystic Body of Christ as living cells, as cells that can give life to those cells surrounding you, as cells who can give a smile, enthusiasm. I ask you again to read and meditate the Holy Gospel and the Holy Scripture, live my dear children what Jesus has told you.
I bless you my beloved children, I caress you, I place my hands on you, I would like to bless all you present here, your dears, who is in a hospital, who suffer, who is sick.
I would like to bless the Pope, the bishops, the priests, the missionaries, and you my children pray for your priests, pray for the Holy Church of God. I bless again the water, the oil, the salt, the incense; I bless the flowers, the religious things, I bless this breeze, these drops falling on you [after a rainy day it started raining again]: it is purifying water, it is water that brings health, it is water that blesses you. Together with the angels, the Saints, the archangels I bless you in the name of the Holy Trinity. It is in the name of God who is Father, in the name of God who is Son, Jesus your brother, in the name of God who is the Spirit of Love. Amen. I bless your prayers,
I bless all what you would like me to bless, here and in your houses. Tomorrow, day in which, according to God’s will I will bring to heaven many souls I will bring a young soul to the Father’s glory together to all your brothers who rejoice in God’s light. All together we want to tell Jesus our love, we say it with our heart: "Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus! Jesus save the world! Jesus save our families! Jesus save and protect our lands! Jesus save and protect our country! Jesus save us all! Jesus, we love you!" With our heart we want to say again to Jesus who is the centre of the universe: "Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus!" My dear children I caress you all, I cover you with my mantle, my mantle is on you; to that woman who is hear fearing for her health I say "My dear daughter, do not be worry for anything, do not be worry for anything…". I caress you all my children, I kiss you and once again I ask you to start spreading everywhere the organisation I have wanted, the ‘Association of the Mother of Love’!
Good bye my children. Happy new year my children.

Thursday 15th August 1996 at 04.30 p.m. during the prayer meeting in Palosco (Bg).

My dear and beloved children, I am here to celebrate and to pray with you.
Beloved children we pray together the Divine Heart of Jesus and later on I will collect all your prayers and bring them to Jesus so that he will answer them and bless you, so that Jesus God will save the world. Dear children, we pray together with the angels, the archangels, the saints, St. Giuda Taddeo, St. Luigi dei Gonzaga, St. Maria Goretti, St. Domenico Savio, St. Giovanni Bosco, St. Giovanni Battista, and all your brothers who have gone before you and rejoice of God’s Light. You pray with me, the Mother of Love, and I want to pray with you who are the children of the Mother of Love, children of peace, children of justice, children of honesty, my children. Let’s pray my children, later I will come again to greet you, bless you and bring my courage. Heaven is ready to welcome many of your brothers but the earth is not ready to welcome God. Let’s pray children, let’s pray.

The second message at 05.00 p.m.
My dear and beloved children, I love you so much and I have stayed as Mother of the Assumption to pray with you. I have collected your prayers and I bring them to the Divine Heart of Jesus. I bring them to Jesus so that he will answer them and bless you. Beloved children I bring your prayers for the children, for all the children who suffer and for those mothers who do not want to accept that gift God gives them; I bring them for those mothers open to life, for those children just born and for those who throbs in the wombs of their mothers. I bring your prayers for whom will become father and mother, for whom gets now in this very moment a new child of God, for children who starve, who die of thirst and naked. I bring your prayers for those who are victims of wars, hate and injustice; for those who suffer and lie in a hospital, for deaf and dumb people and those who cannot walk. I bring your prayers to Jesus for those who cannot see the light anymore, for my priests so that they may become as the Good Shepherd; for the Vicar of Christ the Pope, because he still remains as chief of the Holy Church of God, I bring all your prayers you have in your heart and you are telling me. I bring them together with you to Jesus, to the Divine Heart of Jesus and it is Jesus who listens, it is Jesus who blesses you, it is Jesus who says: go on, your prayer has to be your life.
Beloved children, we have prayed with the heart, we have prayed Him who is God, Him who is Father, Him who is Son, Him who is Holy Spirit. We have prayed together with the Saints, the angels and archangels, together with that man who has died very young before the dawn, and with that woman who has prayed with you and that now is no longer on this earth. Today I have brought to heaven many of your brothers whom you have known and for whom you still pray. My dear children, I ask you again to pray for the Holy Church of God. My beloved children, I have already told you and I repeat it again, when the St. Peter’s cathedral will be empty it will be the moment when Jesus will have visited many people, and when Jesus will arrive in this country covered by black clouds, it will be the deciding moment and He will get the Church out of the blood and bring it towards Salvation. My dear children, before all this happens many Popes will try to ruin what for 2000 years many people have been trying to build. You will see Jesus’ Body being spurned, you will see my sanctuaries and prayer places being spurned, my ministers, my instruments, my apostles, my witnesses will be spurned, you will see everything plunging but that will be the moment when you will have to stand up, you will have to gather, you will have to clasp your hands and say: "Jesus I love you!". It will be the moment when you have to cry Jesus to protect you, you have to cry "Jesus save us!". Those will be the days when you have to ask Jesus to intercede to help you, those will be the days when only who have had faith will be able to survive the events.
Beloved children, Jesus has allowed me to come here today and celebrate with you and my instruments the day that also the Holy Church of God celebrates in my memory. My dear children with a great joy I am here to bless you, to caress you and to place my hands on you and I ask you to continue to build the association of the Mother of Love, the organisation I have wanted here. I would like, beloved children, this group to become larger and spread, particularly to the place where I bring the messages on 26th of each month. Ask God’s ministers to bless you, ask them to bless you and your dears. Beloved children, I ask you some little sacrifice particularly to you my dear daughters, when you enter the holy temple of God, when you receive Jesus real and alive, if you want, cover your head with a veil as sign of respect and love, and you men enter good neat and showing respect to Jesus who is God.
Dearest children, I know that the church allows you to receive Jesus (the Eucharist) also on your hands, but how do these hands look like? If you want receive it on your tongue and kneel down on your knees to thank Jesus who is in you and tell Him:"Jesus, you are in my heart, you are in my cave, I want to keep you warm Jesus, stay with me Jesus, stay in my heart, come out with me on the streets Jesus, come in with me in the houses Jesus, come into my room and bless my dears Jesus".
Dear children, you have the opportunity to have the Heavenly Mother among you to teach you a little catechism! Yes to you whom, as good children listen to me.
I open my mantle on you, I bless you, I place my hands on you and I kiss you.
My blessing is invoked for you by the Holy Trinity and may the blessing of God as drops of water and a sweet breeze fall on you. The blessing of God who is Father, of God who is Son, Jesus your brother, of God who is Spirit of Love. Amen. Beloved children, I would like to do something more today, if you want put your rosaries in the hands of my instruments, I bless now your ‘weapons’; these are the weapons my children should keep in their hands instead of guns and cannons. Here is the weapon that has to enter your houses together with the cross and if you can my children hang a cross in your houses, hang the cross of Jesus close to my picture. Beloved children I caress you all and I would like to bless the Pope who is tired and suffering, I would like to bless the bishops, the priests. I bless you all and the young man who, on the name of all of you has clasped the hand of the Pope, I bless who in this moment is receiving a great grace, I would like to bless those who in this moment are going to God’s light.
Beloved children, before we leave we want to tell to the Divine Heart of Jesus: "Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus!" It is Jesus my children, who tells you to go on together with my instrument because it is time for prayer. Go on my children with the torch and candle in your hands, walk towards Jesus. I kiss you my children, I place my hands on you and caress you, to you all peace of the King of peace.
Good bye my children, good bye.


Thursday 26th June 1997 at 06.10 p.m. on the square of the Tengattini Church in Paratico (Brescia).

My dear and beloved children, I ask you once again to raise your eyes to the sky and look at the Divine Heart of Jesus, the Divine Heart of the Redeemer.
Beloved children, Jesus God sent me and still sends me among you to urge you to come back to the origins, to get back to the faith and to Him. Beloved children, the world runs to the idols built by people themselves, but you even if of this world, do not do it, follow only God and his Law. I ask you again to be prayer: make of your life a sweet prayer to God. Your work and study has to become prayer; your amusement time has to become prayer, each action has to become prayer. Children only if you pray you will save the world! You all have the task to be witnesses of prayer and salvation.
I ask God’s ministers to accept the fact that Mother Mary, your Mother of Love urges them to bring souls to God. I would like all priests to love me and transmit this love to their parishioners, their brothers and friends. Their devotion and love to the Divine Heart of Jesus and my Immaculate Heart, according to God’s will, would lead them to help, cure, nourish, love and bless their sheep’s. It would help them to support who is in trouble, to listen with humility to whom needs to open his heart, to bless the sick people, to comfort who suffers and offers his suffering for the conversion of many brothers. It would help them to give hope to those in the circle of drug and vice, to visit innocents in prison and bring Christ to the world.
Children, I open my mantle on you, I bless you in the name of the Holy Trinity, it is thus in the name of God who is Father, in the name of God who is Son, in the name of God who is the Spirit of Love. Amen. I watch over your work, I thank you and ask you to continue in this way. We say together our love to Jesus: "Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus! Jesus save the world!" I hug you and keep you under my mantle, I protect you, I kiss you and caress the little children.
Good bye my children.

Saturday 2nd August 1997 at 09.10 p.m. during the prayer meeting in Castelcovati (Brescia).

My dear children, I have prayed with you, I pray with you and I will always pray with you. Thank you beloved children to have organised tonight an oasis of prayer, I come here with pleasure to bless this group. It is wish of my Jesus to organise many groups of prayer. Dearest children, the prayer has to be your contact with God, giver of life, the prayer has to create that bridge that allows you to reach salvation and sanctity.
Beloved children, every moment of your life has to become prayer. Prayer has to be your work, your study, your looking after children, elderly people, your words and your actions. Dear children: the prayer is the contact with God. Create silence around you and communicate with God. God is always ready to listen to you and bless you. My children, pray, pray more, be prayer, make of your life a sweet prayer to God. Children may these groups of prayer be oases but as pure as a rainbow so that everybody can see the brightness of God’s gifts. These groups of prayer have to multiply and spread everywhere. Whilst I ask you to pray more I bless the Vicar of Christ the Pope, the bishops, the priests, the missionaries; I bless all what you would like me to bless here and in your houses. I bless this house and all your houses. Children, when you come back to your houses say: "Jesus please come in, Jesus please stay, King of peace come in and bring peace to this family, bring love to this family, bring charity to this family. Come in Jesus and stay here forever."
Beloved children I invoke the blessing of the Holy Trinity on you and may my blessing reach all your brothers whom in this moment are gathered to pray.
My blessing is the blessing of God who is Father, God who is Son, Jesus, God who is Spirit of Love. Amen. Children, we want to say our love to Jesus, we say it with our heart: "Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus, save the world! Protect our families and bless the whole world Jesus! Thank you Jesus!"
Beloved children repeat often with your heart your love for Jesus. I open my mantle and protect you all my children. I lay my hands on you and kiss you. Thank you for your prayers. Continue to be prayer.
Good bye my children.


Thursday 26th March 1998 at 04.15 p.m.
Marco remembers the 4th anniversary of the apparitions of The Mother of Love.

My dear children, I have prayed and praised the Holy Trinity together with you. Children, during these years of grace I have reminded you prayer, charity, humbleness and penance. The prayer has constantly to come out from your heart, praise to God has to become a constant in your life. Beloved children you see the prayer does have no bounds, the prayer perforates walls, roofs, mountains, the prayer does have no obstacles and together with that of your brothers reaches the throne of God.
Children, prayer has to become an attitude of your life, pray children, and pray always. I remind you again that the Lord does not look to the quantity but to the quality of your prayers that is why you have to pray with your heart my children.
In these years of grace the Lord has allowed me to give you my hand and walk together with you towards Him. Time is getting mature, great proofs and signs are getting closer. Children, Jesus is in the world and soon he will walk physically beside you and all his brothers and my children. Dearest children, forces of nature are rising against humanity; people do not understand the reasons anymore, people do not respect other people, people do not accept the value of life anymore, they do not appreciate their brothers anymore: people refuse God his only Creator.
Beloved children, in his goodness the Father has sent his Son Jesus to the world and He dying on the cross has destroyed the death and resurrecting has given you life again. This is the great sign many that have not accepted. My dear children, Jesus’ cross is your ‘trampoline’ that flings you to heaven. Children, say together with Jesus your "consumatum est" to be able to say with Him "yes" to eternal life, to the light in God. Children, during these years of grace I have asked you to obey and respect God’s Law, The Commandments. May its respect be the start of a new alliance with the giver of all. God did not give you his Law to reduce you to slavery but to make you free children of God; no constriction children, God in his goodness has let you free, and this freedom makes you often slaves. Beloved children, during these years I have asked you so often to live and love the Holy Sacraments. Listen to me my children! These are the last times of grace, these are my last calls, my last messages.
I am ready to retire in the shadow and leave place to the King, to Jesus God.
Dearest children, all my children must understand these words of mine, all children of each religion, language, race, ethnic group… everybody must understand that Jesus is visiting the earth and this will not be the end but the begin of the kingdom of the Spirit of Love where everybody will live in peace and nobody will try to subdue the other. Children, this has to be understood also by those who are making the mistake to deviate the group they are part of; children my words are for everybody and also for those who gather in the groups of prayer to live what Jesus has taught.
Dear children I bless you all, I bless the Vicar of Christ the Pope the Prince of Evangelisation. I bless the cardinals, the bishops, the priests and the missionaries.
I bless those priests who in this moment are joined with you to pray, I bless everybody.
I bless the heads of nations and the politicians, may their work be a vocation and a service to the people. I bless the sick people, those who suffer, I bless the drug dependants, the ex-prisoners, and those suffering from AIDS, I bless and caress everybody. I bless the mothers, those who are pregnant and those who since short have given birth, I bless those who assist them, the doctors and the nurses. I bless all what you would like me to bless here and in your houses. I bless the water, the oil, the salt, the incense and the candles. Children, my blessing is invoked for you and for all in the name of God who is Father, in the name of God who is Son, in the name of God who is Spirit of Love. Amen.
Children, before we leave we want to tell Jesus with our heart: "Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus!" I caress you all, I place my hands on you and ask you to continue to walk under the mantle of your Mother, the Mother of Love.
I give you peace. Good bye my children.

Sunday 13th December 1998 at 05.35 p.m. during the prayer meeting of the second Sunday of the month in Ospitaletto (Brescia). This message was received during an apparition.

My dear children I have prayed with you, I pray with you my children and I will always pray with you. Beloved children, I come to this oasis of prayer to ask you again to be prayer and to turn your life into a life of prayer. You are preparing yourself to the big event, the anniversary of Jesus’ birth.
Dear children do not prepare only what surrounds you, your houses well decorated and cosy, your tables full, your beautiful and warm clothes: children do not prepare only these things, you must particularly and first of all prepare your heart, prepare it warm to welcome the King. You see, that simple cave has become His cradle and His house. Joseph and I could not find any place but Jesus God is born in humbleness and in the simplicity of that cave. Be the same children, be humble and love simple things.
Children prepare yourselves to the birth of Jesus God with prayers, sacrifices and fast, you have to prepare yourselves in this way to His arrival in this world.
You tell me "How often you have repeated this!" Children, my dear children listen to me! I want to bring you all to Jesus, I want the salvation of all of you but the world and the new paganism do not want to understand these last advises of mine.
Commit yourself, those who spread my messages have to commit themselves more and you have to help them, you have to grow in this big family, in this big group, grow and pray, pray a lot my children! I want to bless you all starting from the Vicar of Christ, the bishops, the priests and all God’s ministers. I bless the sick people, your brothers who do not have a house, who have nothing to eat and nothing to wear.
I bless you all my children, together with the God’s minister here present I bless you in the name of God who is Father, in the name of God who is Son, Jesus your brother, in the name of God who is Spirit of Love. Amen.
Children we want to say to Jesus, to our Jesus, to our God our love, we say altogether: "Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus!" When you go back to your houses say: "Come in Jesus, stay Jesus, bring here the peace of that cave, bring serenity and faith to this family". Children, I lay my hands on you, I caress you and ask you to prepare yourself as good children of God, to the Holy Christmas.
I kiss you all. Good bye my children.


Sunday 10th January 1999 during the prayer meeting of the second Sunday of the month in Ospitaletto (Brescia).

The first message at 05.15 p.m.

My dear children, my beloved children, I come again to this place to ask you to pray. Children pray, pray, pray more. The black clouds covering the sky of humanity can be faced with the prayer my children, your prayer must feed your faith.
Beloved children have you not yet understood that in this place the Mother, the Mother of God is coming? My children do more, pray more!
I bless you my beloved children, I bless you all in the name of the Holy Trinity; it is in the name of God who is Father, in the name of God who is Son, Jesus, in the name of God who is Spirit of Love. Amen.
Children pray! I caress you all, I lay my hands on you, I will listen to you, I will answer you. Before we leave we want to say with our heart to Jesus: "Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus!" Help me to save the world. Good bye my children.
The second message at 06.00 p.m.
My dear children, I am here to hug you, you have made the Divine Heart of Jesus happy and He will bless you. Beloved children go back to your houses and bring peace, serenity everywhere. Bring them to your families, to your work and among all my children. I protect you and follow you. Remember children that prudence is daughter of charity.
Good bye my children.

Tuesday 26th January 1999 at 04.50 p.m. in the square in front of the Tengattini Church in Paratico (Brescia).

My dear children, I come to this place to ask you and all my children spread all over the world to be prayer, my children pray, pray more. Many of my children do not accept my messages and my recalls: you accept me! Children, accept me because I come to tell you that soon Jesus will be with you. Prepare yourself with prayers, sacrifices and penance to the return of Jesus Christ on earth. Do not worry children, I am protecting you and I will always protect you. It is my wish to come here and tell you this because many of my children have to learn that Mother Mary, your Mother of Love wants your salvation.
I bless you in the name of the Holy Trinity, it is thus in the name of God who is Father, in the name of God who is Son, in the name of God who is Spirit of Love. Amen. Beloved children, I keep you tight under my mantle, bring peace, bring love, bring justice, bring charity and solidarity to the whole world.
I follow you, I bring you to your houses and when you enter your houses say: "Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus!"
Children, my next message in this place will be on 26th March. Do not worry children, I bring you to Jesus. Good bye my children.

Sunday 14th February 1999 at 05.40 p.m. during the prayer meeting of the second Sunday of the month in Ospitaletto (Brescia).

My dear children, thank you for being here to pray. I have prayed with you, I pray with you and I will always pray with you. Beloved children I ask you once again to be prayer and bring the prayer everywhere in the world.
Today I would like to recall you to respect the Law of God and his Commandments. The world, the society has created many idols but, dearest children, the only and real God is the one who soon will be amongst you. The world does not appreciate life anymore, it refuses it, it kills it, you be open and accept life: it is a gift of God!
God is the only one who gives life, only He can give life and only He can take it back.
Children live and respect the Commandments, live the Holy Sacrament of the confession. Go towards the Divine Heart of Jesus, in this great sacrament [the confession] you will find again strength to go on, that strength fed by the Eucharist.
In it there is Jesus alive and real who is present also today amongst you.
Beloved children, prepare yourselves with prayer, sacrifices, penance and fasting to the Easter of Jesus, go with Him through the way to the Calvary to reach with Him the end, and the end my children is the sanctity.
Children, you know it already, I want all of you to be saved, everybody nobody excluded, that is why I come today to this group to tell you that Jesus sends me among you to inform you that soon He will be with you. So please prepare yourselves with prayers, prepare yourselves my children to go towards Jesus God, I am telling it to you in all possible ways, there is no need to go to many places and run to every instrument of mine.
You need to stop and meditate, to stop and pray and listen because Jesus is sending me everywhere in the world. Beloved children, I would like you to change your heart and make you to love Jesus, love the Holy Trinity, love God… love Him with all your heart, with all your forces with all yourselves, love Jesus love my Jesus children!
We say it to Him, we tell Him really with our heart: "Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus!" Children, Jesus loves each of you, he loves you as each of you is the universe.
Many years ago in this place I told you "Believe you that see" and today I tell you "Believe and convert, you that hear my words" because the ‘soon’ I am telling you about will come true, what your Mother is telling you will come true.
I bless you my children, I bless each of you and in the afternoon of the 26th I will bring my blessing to this place. We will celebrate together the great gift God gave you [the lachrymation of the statue happened on 26th February 1958] and thank God for all that He has given to you in these years of grace. They have been years of suffering, derision but also of much joy and love from God. I will come back on the 26th to bless you and I will cover with my mantle those gathered to pray in the place God the Almighty has chosen.
Children I bless you in the name of God who is Father, in the name of God who is Son, Jesus, your brother, in the name of God who is Spirit of Love. Amen.
Beloved children, pray, pray, pray…
Good bye my children.

Friday 26th February 1999 at 05.50 p.m. during the prayer meeting in Ospitaletto (Brescia).

My dear children, prayer, sacrifices and penance. I bless you my children, I bless the Vicar of Christ the Pope, the bishops of this diocese, the bishops of all the world.
I bless God’s ministers those ministers who have prayed in front of my statue, some of them from heaven are here with you; I bless the nuns and the priests and my blessing is invoked by the Holy Trinity. It is in the name of God who is Father, in the name of God who is Son, Jesus, in the name of God who is Holy Spirit. Amen.
Children, I promised you I would come and bless you, I come also to tell you to prepare yourselfvesto welcome Jesus God. I kiss you and cover you with my mantle.
Children now I have to go, I have to go all around the world because these are the times of grace.
Good bye my children.

Sunday 28th February 1999 at 04.50 p.m. during the prayer in Mesero (Milan).

My dear children, my beloved children I am here with you to tell you that I am praying with you. We pray together the God of peace to give peace, love and justice to this world. Dear children I come to this group of prayer to ask you to be prayer. Children, bring the prayer everywhere in the world, I know you already do it but run everywhere and bring it. Bring it to your families, to your houses, to the work places. Your work, your study, your staying together has to become prayer, prayer has to become your helping elderly persons, children and those who are sick. Every moment and every action has to be prayer. Children do not forget: pray, pray, pray! I ask you to be living cells of the Mystic Body of Christ. In the Mystic Body, who is the church, radiate joy and serenity to the brothers around you, bring joy and happiness everywhere. Dearest children, as Mother of Love, I would like to bring love to this group of prayer and to your families. I bless you, I bless each of you starting from the children, those who suffer and who are sick, the elderly people and all my children who in this moment are praying and thinking: "Shall Mother Mary, our Mother be arrived?" I bless everybody and cover all of you with my mantle, I protect you my children, prepare yourselves to welcome Jesus who soon will be with you. I bless the Vicar of Christ, the bishops, the priests, and the missionaries.
My blessing is invoked for you and for all in the name of the Holy Trinity, in the name of God who is Father, in the name of God who is Son, Jesus, your brother, in the name of God who is Spirit of Love. Amen.
I bless who you have brought here on pictures, I bless the water, the incense, the salt, the oil all what you would like me to bless here and in your houses. My children, before we leave we want to thank Jesus who has sent me amongst you, we say together with our heart: "Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus!" When you go back to your houses say: "Jesus come in, Jesus stay in this family, Jesus bring peace, love, serenity, bring your blessing in this house, thank you Jesus".
I cover you with my mantle, I keep you tight to my heart, I cover your suffering, I kiss you and lay my hands on you. Thank you my children for being here to pray.
Good bye my children.

Sunday 14th March 1999 at 05.45 p.m. during the prayer of the second Sunday of the month in Ospitaletto (Brescia).

My dear children, my beloved children, I come amongst you not to disturb your prayer but to tell you that I am praying with you. Dearest children the humanity has to understand that the time for prayer has arrived: prayer, sacrifices, penance, fastens… this is to save the world my children! Beloved children, start being examples to your brothers, start listening to what for five years your Mother, Mary, the Mother of Love has been saying. Years of graces, years of blessings, years of calls! My children every time I come here do not say "Oh, how beautiful was the message of the Mother, it has been long, short, she has asked us to pray…"
Children put into practice what –since many years- I have been asking you!
Dearest children I want your salvation, the salvation of all of you, the salvation of all my children spread all over the world, that is the reason why I come here and I travel to so many places to ask you to be prayer! Pray children, pray more, pray, pray, I will never get tired to say it, pray more.
Dearest children, tonight I bless the Vicar of Christ the Pope the man who embraces the cross of Jesus; I bless the bishops, God’s ministers, all priests, I bless those whom you have brought here in your memory or on pictures. Children, prepare yourself with torches in your hands to receive Jesus God. Soon he will be with you.
Together with God’s ministers here present I bless you and my blessing is in the name of God who is Father, in the name of God who is Son, Jesus your brother, in the name of God who is Spirit of Love. Amen. Children I protect you I am by you go on being prayer. Before we leave we want to tell Jesus our love, to Him who is God we want to say: "Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus!" Tell it often to Jesus because He loves you all, He loves you and wants your salvation. I protect you and lay my hands on you. I kiss you my children, go around the world and tell everybody that Jesus is love, that Jesus has destroyed the death, that Jesus is God.
Good bye my children.

Friday 19th March 1999 at 10.55 a.m. after the Holy Mass. Day in the of memory of  Sint Joseph.
This message was received during an apparition.

My dear children, I embrace you and in this I embrace my Jesus who is in you.
Children go all around the world and bring Jesus to all your brothers, tell them Jesus’ love, tell them the greatness of Jesus, foretell that soon Jesus will be visiting the humanity and will bless you. My dear children, I ask you to pray and to bring the prayer everywhere. God’s minister has already blessed you but I open my mantle once again and bless personally each of you. My dear child, bring Jesus to your brothers, bless your brothers, help your brothers, give advises to your brothers, in your blessing is the power of God. I bless you all and I bless those who will join you to pray in the celebration of the fifth anniversary of my apparitions.
My blessing is in the name of God who is Father, in the name of God who is Son, Jesus, in the name of God who is Spirit of Love. Amen.
I embrace you, I place my hands on you, thank you for making my heart and the Divine heart of Jesus happy. Good bye my children.

Sunday 21st March 1999 at 05.15 p.m.. during the prayer in Riozzo di Cerro al Lambro (Milan).

My dear children, I come here to bless this group of prayer and to ask you to bring the prayer to your houses. Children, bring the prayers and praises to God you have said today to your families; the prayer, the thanksgiving and praise to God has to enter every family. I bless you all my children, I bless this house, I bless all your houses, I bless all what you would like me to bless here and in your houses. My blessing is in the name of God who is Father, in the name of God who is Son, in the name of God who is Spirit of Love. Amen. Bring my greetings everywhere and remember my children: if you embrace the cross of Jesus, the suffering of Jesus, you will embrace with Him the Glory and the Resurrection. I place my hands on you, I caress you and I kiss you.
I am with you, go in the world to announce and bring the Gospel.
Good bye my children.

Thursday 25th March 1999 at 05.00 a.m. (message received by Marco at his home).

My dear children, my beloved children here is the servant of the Lord, your Mother of Love who comes among you. Dearest children I come again to this place to ask you to be prayer. Children bring the prayer to your families, bring the prayer to the schools, bring the prayer to the work places, bring the prayer everywhere. The world is flooded with the grace of the Lord, the world does not accept it anymore and leaves God. Children the world does not accept God and His laws anymore…
Beloved children God sends me amongst you to bring all of you to Him.
I come amongst you my children because it is God’s wish to bring you to Him.
Dear children in these years of grace we have walked together, children live what I have been asking you and what I am asking you now, take my advises and put them into practice. Children come back to God! In these times I am travelling to so many places where through many of my children I give my words to the humanity: dear children today heaven is with you! Dear children I am starting to retire in the shadow to leave place to Jesus God.
Children, your Mother wants you all to be saved that is why I urge you to be living cells of the Mystic Body of Jesus; you living cells give vitality to the other cells around you. Be witnesses of My love and today I ask you particularly to consecrate yourselves to my Immaculate Heart, this is God’s wish. Beloved children Jesus has embraced the cross, the suffering, the humility, pain and death to save you all.
Jesus has chosen the cross, this is the salvation tree of the human being. It is for these reasons my children that I am continuously asking you to go on with prayers, sacrifices and fasten waiting for the new time. Time of the Spirit of Love, time of his Kingdom. I bless you my children, I caress you and kiss you, I ask you to love Jesus. Yes my children love Jesus!
I promise you my children that tomorrow, whilst you will be praying in the place chosen by God, I will bless you and cover you with my mantle.
Good bye my children.

Friday 26th March 1999 at 09.05 p.m. in the square of the Tengattini Church in Paratico (Brescia). Marco celebrates the 5th anniversary of the apparition of the Mother of Love. This message was received during an apparition.

My dear children, my beloved children I come here to thank you for your prayers. Children, pray, pray, pray more. Dearest children help me with prayers to keep the heavy hand of God, hand of love and justice, help me with prayers!
Tonight I come to this place chosen by God the Almighty to bless you and to bless all my children spread all over the world. I bless the Vicar of Christ the Pope, I bless the bishops, the priests, I bless those who suffer, who are sick, I bless all; I bless these rose roses here under my feet and my blessing is invoked for you and everybody in the name of the Holy Trinity. It is thus in the name of God who is Father, in the name of God who is Son, Jesus, in the name of God who is Spirit of Love. Amen.
Children Jesus loves you, Jesus is sending me amongst you to bring you all to salvation, we say to Jesus, we say it with our heart, we repeat it often: "Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus!" I wait for you at this place to pray, I will be with you and I will always bless you. I follow my instrument wherever he will go, I give you peace my children but embrace the cross of Jesus and say with him "consumatum est" to resurrect with him. I bless you all.
Good bye my children.

Saturday 10th April 1999 at 10.05 p.m. during the prayer in Perugia.

My dear children thank you for your prayers. Children, I come to these places, to this land that I love so much with the heart full of joy because you are here to pray.
I come to these places that have given so many Saints to the Church and great examples to the humanity, great witnesses of Christ. Children imitate them.
I am by you, I rejoice with you. I am close to those brothers’ victims of hate and wars.
Dear children, how can a Mother as I am not cry for her children? People who do not appreciate other people, people who kill children, people who kill children still in the wombs of their mothers, people who listen to the voice of Satan and want death, destruction and war. Children I am close to those who suffer, I am close to those who have fled from their houses, I am close to the martyrs of the 2000. I have already told you the church, the new church of Jesus will reborn from the blood of many of my children. This will be the big tribulation of the church, the big destruction of cities, villages… people put themselves in place of God… God is tired to look at these happenings, to listen to lamentations, he is tired and he cannot continue in this way anymore.
My dearest children I bless each of you, I have followed my instrument, I have followed all of you, I bless this house, your houses, I bless all what you would like me to bless, here and in your houses and I bless these roses again. My blessing is invoked for you and everybody in the name of God who is Father, in the name of God who is Son, Jesus the Redeemer, in the name of God who is Spirit of Love. Amen.
Children the God of peace is with you, go all around the world and foretell that soon Jesus will be with you. Before we leave we say together to Jesus "Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus!"
Good bye my children, I kiss you.

Sunday 11th April 1999 at 04.15 p.m. during the prayer in Mantignana (Perugia).

My dear children, my beloved children I have prayed with you, I pray with you and I will always pray with you. My dear children, it is my wish to see in these places many oases of prayer, many oases to flood the desert. Yes my children, many groups of prayer to fill the world with witness and goodness. Children this is my wish so that you can prepare yourselves with prayer, sacrifices and fasten to the time of grace that is arriving; I will arrive to you through my instrument to greet you and bring you my calls, my last calls. Children many of you have started walking on this way, many will join you and remember dearest children that your Mother wishes to bring everybody to Jesus.
I bless you gathered here, thank you my children, I am here at this place I love so much and I bless these valleys, these lands, I bless those who are working to organise these meetings, I bless all of you. My blessing is invoked for you together with God’s minister in the name of God who is Father, in the name of God who is Son, in the name of God who is Spirit of Love. Amen.
Children, I am Mother of everybody, this is why I want to bring you to Jesus.
I lplacemy hands on you, I kiss you and I keep you close under my mantle.
Thank you my children for being here, thank you for your prayers.
Good bye my children.

Monday 12th April 1999 at 10.05 a.m. during the prayer in the crypt of the Sint Francis Basilic in Assisi (Perugia).

Beloved children, pray, pray, pray… be your prayer a real expression of the love you have for God and for your brothers. Together with your protecting Saints I bless Italy and the whole world, I cover you with my mantle.
Peace my children.

Monday 26th April 1999 at 08.50 p.m. in the square in front of the Tengattini church in Paratico (Brescia).

My dear children, my beloved children I come again to this place chosen by God the Almighty to bring you my greetings and my message. Dearest children how many messages I have brought to these places, but dear children what is the humanity waiting for to start doing what I am asking? Again my children I ask you to pray, pray, pray… only with prayers, sacrifices and penance you will stop the weapons which are destruction and death.
Dearest children this is my message here in this place: that God’s ministers may understand that Mary wants unity therefore I ask you to pray. It is my wish children that you all, on 26th May could enter in that church…pray for it.
Time is ripe, darkness will cover the earth, but you will not have to worry because I will be with you. This is my request: on 26th you will celebrate a Mass and all together you have to pray, pray, pray for peace in the world in this country and everywhere.
I bless you my children, I bless each of you starting from those who suffer, those who are in sorrow…my blessing is invoked for you and for all in the name of God who is Father, in the name of God who is Son, Jesus, in the name of God who is Spirit of Love. Amen. Children, we want to greet Jesus, we want to tell our love to Jesus who is resurrected, we say: "Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus!"
Thank you my children for being here, when you go back to your houses bring peace, love, hope and your witness.
Good bye my children.

Saturday 1st May 1999 at 04.30 p.m. during the prayer in Mesero (Milan).

My dear children, my beloved children thank you for being in this oasis.
Children I have prayed with you, I pray with you and I will always pray with you.
I would like to start with you this month that the Holy Church of God dedicates to the Holy Rosary. I would like to start it with all my children spread all over the world. Dearest children I ask you to pray, pray, pray. Dear children pray more! I know that many of you have been praying since a long time and they offer much of their time for praying and helping their brothers; some others do it a little less: to them I say ‘engage yourselves more’. All my children have to pray more. Dear children fling your prayers to the sky, fling your requests to God and he will answer you. Pray, pray with your heart. I ask you to bring the prayer everywhere, everywhere in the world. The prayer has to enter the churches that often forget it, your families, the society, the factories, the offices, the hospitals and the schools…the prayer has to enter everywhere. And you, who are the new Johannes the new witnesses of God’s love invite your brothers to pray! Bring the prayer everywhere. Children in this month of May I ask you to gather often to pray.
It is my wish, your Mother’s wish children: gather to pray!
Beloved children I come among you because I am the Mother of God, because I am your Mother, I am the Mother of Love and I want love to triumph everywhere.
Love, peace and justice.
Prepare yourselves my children to embrace Jesus with the Rosary in your hands.
I bless you, I bless each of you starting from the Vicar of Christ, the cardinals, the bishops, the priests, my beloved children, the missionaries and everybody.
I bless the sick people, those who suffer and those who have undergone operations.
I bless all of you, we shall invoke together the blessing of the Holy Trinity: it is in the name of God who is Father, in the name of God who is Son, Jesus, in the name of God who is Spirit of Love. Amen. I bless all what you want me to bless here and in your houses, I bless particularly your ‘weapons’, yes my children, your weapons are the Holy Rosaries. Pray my children, I pray with you.
Children, we want to say with our heart to thank Jesus: "Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus! Save the world Jesus! Save our families Jesus! Save the youth Jesus! Save who suffer Jesus! Save who is victim of hates Jesus! Save all of us Jesus! Bless all of us Jesus! Help all of us Jesus! Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus… Dear Jesus we are waiting for you…"
Children wait for the King of the Kings. I embrace you all, I place my hands on you thanks for being here. I would like to see you in prayer on the first Sunday of June.
Do not thank me children thank Jesus. Do not worry, I will help you. I place my hands on you, I kiss you, I kiss the children, I kiss each of you.
Good bye my children, I love you my children.

Sunday 9th May 1999 at 06.00 p.m. during the meeting of the second Sunday of the month in Ospitaletto (Brescia) after the Holy Mass.

My beloved children, my dear children, I come here to embrace Jesus who is in your heart and to bless you together with God’s ministers. Dearest children, pray, pray, pray…
I was waiting for this moment to come here and greet you, I have waited for my instrument to finish and now I greet you. I was close to him and I embrace you all.
Children I bless you in the name of the Holy Trinity and it is thus in the name of God who is Father, in the name of God who is Son, Jesus, in the name of God who is Spirit of Love. Amen.
Children, we want to say to Jesus with our heart: "Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus!" I hug you my children, I hug all the mothers of the world, I hug your mothers who are in Heaven with me, I hug all of you.
Thank you for being here.
Good bye my children.

Sunday 23rd May 1999 at 05.25 p.m. during the prayer in Riozzo di Cerro al Lambro (Milan).

My dear children, Spiritus Domini super vos et in vos! L’Esprit de Dieu sur vous me fils! Espirito de Dios en vuestros corazones! Children may the Holy Spirit descend on you, on your families, on your dear ones and on the whole world.
Children your Mother goes everywhere in the world to bring the joy of the descend of the Holy Spirit. Children, the Holy Spirit will descend again with fire on earth.
The spirit of God will be again in the world. Many of my children will receive the gift of prophecy, other of languages, other to heal and help the brothers. Dear children, this is God’s will, this is God’s love, this is God’s joy.
Beloved children thank you to be here in prayer, please bring the prayer everywhere.
Many of my children have difficulty in understanding the importance of prayer.
Those who should promote it find excuses not to organise prayer meetings.
Dearest children it is your Mother who asks you to pray: pray, pray, pray more.
Many are used to my messages and my requests, those that for many years have been following these events are used to the grace of God. My children, when battles come to the end you have to save energy to fight, to fight more because soon Jesus will be among you.
Before this many events will happen all over the world and also in your country, you have to prepare yourself because the fire will come back with its gifts to cover and mould the humanity. And I, Mary, Spouse of the Holy Spirit, am close to you but I request you to pray. Those who should have accepted my request to celebrate a Holy Mass have refused, they have not listened… they will say ‘mea culpa’!
Children I wait for you on the 26th in the evening when I will give my message to the humanity. I bless you, I bless each of you, I open my mantle on you the humanity has to understand God’s love. My blessing is invoked for you and for everybody in the name of the Holy Trinity. It is thus in the name of God who is Father, in the name of God who is Son, Jesus, your brother, in the name of God who is Spirit of Love, of Illumination, of Advice, of Strength. Amen.
Dearest children we say to Jesus who is here among you: "Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus!"
I embrace you all, I place my hands on you, please bring my blessing everywhere. Remember my children I want you all with Me, everybody, nobody excluded.
I bless all my children all over the world that in this moment are praying with you. I bless the Vicar of Christ the Pope, the bishops, God’s ministers and the pastor of this parish. I bless all my instruments, my instrument here, I help him to go on and I bless who supports him, who helps him in this Association I have desired so that it can do more! I embrace you all.
Good bye my children. Thanks for being here to pray.

Wednesday 26th May 1999 at 10.35 a.m. to her instrument Marco.

My dear and beloved children, I come once again to this place chosen by God the Almighty to bring my last message and my last requests. You have prayed for a long time here in front of this church and in front of my Jesus prisoner of love; in this place I wanted to bring my message not only to you but to the whole world.
Children I ask you again to pray, pray my children, pray. You have to do many sacrifices, you have to lead a good and honest life. Children receive often the Sacraments, live the great sacraments. Receive often the Holy Sacrament of Eucharist, Jesus is present in the tabernacles of the entire world. Live with charity, humility and simplicity your calling and your days. Love my Jesus, love and imitate him more and more.
Children my request to celebrate a Holy Mass here in Paratico has not been listened to; today many of my children have taken part to a Mass to be close to me and to my Son’s request. I would like you to gather here on each 26th of the month, I would like the bishops of these dioceses to understand the importance of my presence here and that in God’s plan I am the essential intermediary with Jesus.
I retire in the shade, you have had much time to practice my words. Children, on each 26th of the month pray with faith the Holy Rosary and in that hour of grace I will donate many graces and gifts to many of my children. Children kiss the stone that comes from Lourdes; also that place saw many oppositions and today there are big processions, prayers… also this place will blossom as I told you once.
I will not abandon my instrument, I will be where he will be, I will go where he will go, I will pray where he will pray, I will joy when he will joy and suffer when he will suffer. I will still give him my messages and he, faithfully, will report you my requests.
I want this Association, which I requested in this place, to grow and spread everywhere my requests and help who is in need.
My beloved children I am with you, I bring you to Jesus I bring you to salvation.
I ask God’s ministers to be faithful to their calling. The chalice gets full, if you do not convert a punishment will fall on the humanity. Many ministers are on the road to perdition taking many souls from God, you have to strive, and beg God’s forgiveness. Pray with sincerity, you have to do more sacrifices, think to the passion of Jesus.
I come to this place for your sake and to prepare the path to my Son. There is not much time anymore and you are absent-minded, you are absent-minded because of all the possessions of this world…children remember, Jesus wants to you to be saved.
I bless you I bless this place and each of you. I bless all those will come here to pray.
Good bye my children.

Wednesday 26th May 1999 at 08.50 p.m. in the square in front of the Tengattini church in Paratico (Brescia).

My dear children, my beloved children, I come to this place to bring you my message and to bless you. Thank you for your effort in the prayer. Dearest children, I wait for you here when you want, in prayer. I bless the Vicar of Christ, the bishops, the bishop of this church, the priest of this parish and God‘s ministers, I bless this place.
My blessing is invoked for you and for all in the name of God who is Father, in the name of God who is Son, Jesus, in the name of God who is Spirit of Love. Amen.
Children you have sowed, soon will Jesus pick the fruits up: bring many fruits my children. I place my hands on you and caress you. One day at this place you will worship me as MOTHER OF LOVE together with my JESUS.
Before we leave we say with our heart to him: "Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus!"
I kiss each of you my children and I bless all you would like me to bless.
Good bye my children.

Sunday 6th June 1999 at 05.30 p.m. during the prayer in Mesero (Milan).

My dear children I come here among you not to disturb your prayer but to tell you that I am praying with you. Children here with me there is your, our Jesus.
Jesus has given a big gift to the humanity: He, who is resurrected, has redeemed you, He, who is resurrected, is ascended to heaven, He, who is resurrected, has sent the Comforter. He, who is resurrected, has remained with his body and his blood among you. My children, Jesus is in the tabernacles of the whole world.
Love Him! Be His witnesses! Dearest children you have the great grace to listen to my words through my instrument, be grateful to God for this. Children, prepare yourselves with the heart to embrace Jesus physically. Today together with the Holy Church of God we remember the Precious Body and Blood of Christ, it is Jesus my children, it is your God. That is why I ask you to receive often the Eucharist with a clean heart free from sins. Receive Jesus in the traditional way, if it possible on your knees and with your hands joined. I ask you all to respect my Jesus, I ask my beloved daughters when they enter the holy churches if they can, to put on the veil as sign of obedience and respect to Jesus, and men to be dressed and behave with decorum and respect.
My children, I am happy to see you today gathered here to pray together, to ask together, to thank together, to praise together the King of Kings, and I wait for you here again my children, pray, pray much, pray with the heart. I bless you my dear,
I bless each of you. Jesus is close and He blesses you together with your Mother.
I bless the Vicar of Christ, the bishops and the priests. I bless all what you would like me to bless, here and in your houses. My blessing is invoked for all in the name of the Holy Trinity and it is in the name of God who is Father, in the name of God who is Son, Jesus, in the name of God who is Spirit of Love. Amen.
Children, shall we say with our heart to Jesus: "Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus!"
I caress you all, I kiss each of you, I place my hands on you: this is a great gift God has given to many of my children: the placing of hands. Pray for your brothers.
Thank you because you are here, thank you because you love me, but remember my children, you still have to do more.
Good bye my children.

Saturday 19th June 1999 at 05.25 p.m. during the prayer in the church of Pieve di Campo in Ponte San Giovanni (Perugia).

My dear children thank you for being here together to pray.
I have prayed with you, I pray with you and I will always pray with you.
Beloved children I promised you, I have come back to these lands through one of my instruments, I am back to ask you to put yourselves in the Divine Heart of Jesus.
Dearest children, Jesus is God, Jesus is the King, Jesus is the Lord of history, Jesus is the King of the universe, Jesus is your brother. My children, put yourselves in His Divine Heart, that Heart who loves each of you as if you are the universe.
My children I ask you again to pray. Pray my children, pray more. Dark clouds are getting closer but you have to continue to pray….
Your Mother, the Mother of Love asks you prayer, penance and sacrifices.
My dear children I ask you once again to pray with a free heart and to receive the Sacraments.
I bless this parish, this place, I bless this church which I like so much. I bless the Vicar of Christ, the bishops, the priests, I bless you and your families, I bless all you would like me to bless, here and in your houses. My blessing is invoked for you and for all in the name of the Holy Trinity, it is thus in the name of God who is Father, in the name of God who is Son, Jesus, in the name of God who is Spirit of Love. Amen.
Beloved children, pray, pray, pray… I am with you.
Before we leave we want to say our love to Jesus, we say altogether: "Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus!"
I embrace you all, I place my hands on you and I kiss you.
Good bye my children.

Monday 21st June 1999 at 10.40 a.m. during the prayer in the St. Francis of Assisi Basilic (Assisi).

(The Rosary was said in the Crypt that keeps the body of St. Francis).
My dear and beloved children, in this place of prayer I come to ask you to be prayer. My children all what you do has to be prayer, each word coming from you.
Your work, your study, your staying with friends has to become prayer; children pray, pray, pray.
Children, may the prayer enter your families, each family, the prayer is your only and real talk with God. In the prayer Jesus taught you, we say " Our Father who art in Heaven…. give us our daily bread…" the Eucharist has to be your daily bread. Children the Eucharist is nutriment of your life, the Eucharist is your bread for life and eternity. Here in front of you, today, I want to show you the light there is in God, the light of prayer, the light of life.
Beloved children, remember my words and my calls live my calls!
I bless you together with God’s minister who is here, I bless you in the name of the Holy Trinity. It is thus in the name of God who is Father, in the name of God who is Son, in the name of God who is Spirit of Love. Amen.
Dearest children I protect you, you love my Jesus. Before we leave we say together: "Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus!"
I follow you my children, I bless you and I protect you.
Good bye my children.

Sunday 4th July 1999 during the prayer in Mesero (Milan).
First message at 05.10 p.m.

My dear children, I am here to tell you that I am praying with you. Children we shall pray together, we shall ask God to purify this humanity, to wash this humanity, to bless it with his blood. Children pray, we first pray together and then I will come back to bless each of you, to bless who suffer, to bless this humanity that does not understand that the time of trials is getting close very fast. The clouds are dark and high in the sky of the humanity. Children, we pray, we pray, we pray….

Second message at 05.45 p.m.
My dear children we have prayed together, we have asked God the gift of peace,
of justice, of faith; together we have praised the Holy Trinity, together we have thanked the Trinity of Love. Beloved children I come back to these places, to these lands to ask you to pray. Children, only with the prayer you will be able to extenuate the calamities that should fall on the humanity. People are leaving God, people do not understand the truth, people do not appreciate life, people do not appreciate the family, people do not appreciate other people.
Children a Mother like me suffers seeing in the wombs of many of her daughters those little creatures that are killed before they can see the light. A Mother like me suffers and cries seeing many of her children dying of famine, dying naked and of thirst. A Mother like me suffers seeing the victims of hate, wars… a Mother like me suffers seeing that her children accept not even her last words.
Beloved children the coming time will bring big signs, all will happen in a short time. Children pray, because when St. Peter’s Chair will be empty, it will be the moment when the Church will suffer, the Church will see the apostasy, it will suffer a lot… the Church will reborn from the blood of new martyrs. Dearest children do not fear persecutions, do not fear anybody, I will protect you! Beloved children, the clouds that by now are thickening in the sky will bring much light, because at the end of these events Jesus will be with you! He will open life once again, he will open the world: new skies and new lands. My children pay attention to those who say: ‘Jesus is here, Jesus is there and also there.’ Pay attention because Jesus is everywhere. Jesus is in the tabernacle of the world. Jesus is in each tabernacle. Children I bless you, I bless you gathered here to pray. Thank you for offering this sacrifice, thank you for your prayer my children, continue to be prayer.
I bless the Vicar of Christ, the bishops, the priests, the groups of prayer, may the prayer become more frequent in this month of July. I bless my instruments, I bless my instrument, I bless all brothers I will meet in the next days, I bless the sick people those who suffer. To this woman here I say "Dear child, soon what I promised you will happen, in yourself, you pray, pray, pray…" I place my hands on you my children, I bless you in the name of God who is Father, in the name of God who is Son, Jesus, your brother, in the name of God who is Spirit of Love. Amen.
I bless your rosaries, the sacred images, I bless all what you wish to be blessed here and in your houses. I bless also the pictures of your dear ones I bless everything. Before we leave we say altogether to Jesus with our heart: "Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus!"
Go back to your houses my children, kiss your children and help who is in need.
I follow you. Thank you to be here to pray, I remain with you and I bless you all.
Good bye my children. May the peace of the King of Peace be in this house and everywhere.
Peace my children.

Wednesday 7th July 1999 at 12.20 p.m. in San Giovanni Rotondo (Foggia).

(We have said the Holy Rosary in the crypt where the body of Padre Pio is kept.
Padre Pio was beatified last 2nd May from Johannes Paulus II).
My dear children thank you for your prayers. In this place I ask you to think to the real prayer. Praying does not have to be a continuous repetition of words, the real prayer must come from your heart, from the bottom of your heart!
My dear children, do not be worried to know the secrets and the events regarding your future and that of the humanity. Children you pray, pray, pray… Thank God because I know something and this is to help you to get better. Follow my suggestion my children, I bring you to salvation. I bless you.

Wednesday 7th July 1999 at 04.30 in Lanciano (Chieti).

(After a short prayer in the church of Santa Lucia in front of the Eucharistic wonder).
My children, thank you for coming to this place of prayer. You have prayed in front of the great wonder Jesus has given here. This is the sign: Jesus is really present in the Eucharist. In front of His Body and His Blood I bless you in the name of God who is Father, in the name of God who is Son, in the name of God who is Spirit of Love. Amen. We say to Him: "Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus!"
I kiss you. Good bye my children.

(Historical note: the old ‘Anxanum dei Frentani’ preserves, since twelve centuries, the first and biggest Eucharistic miracle of the Catholic Church. The miracle happened in the VIII century B.C. in the little church of San Legonziano, for the doubt of a monk about the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. During the celebration of the Holy Mass, after the consecration, the host became living flesh and the wine blood, and it coagulated in five pieces of irregular shape and size).

Sunday 11th July 1999 at 05.40 p.m. during the prayer of the second Sunday of the month in Ospitaletto (Brescia).

My dear children thank you to be here. I promised you, I am here to pray with you and together with me there is Jesus, our God. He is here to bless his people, his flock, his brothers. Beloved children, look at my tears! In my tears there is suffering, in my tears there is joy, in my tears there is my blessing and my request: prayers.
Dearest children, this month the Holy Church celebrates the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ, His blood that shall fall again on this humanity to purify it.
His blood is life, His blood is resurrection, His blood is His love for you.
My dear children I bless you, I bless you together with Jesus. My blessing is invoked for you and for all in the name of God who is Father, in the name of God who is Son, Jesus, your brother, in the name of God who is Spirit of Love. Amen.
My beloved children, I bless those who suffer, all the sick people, those who are committing their souls to God, I bless the doctors, the nurses; I bless the Vicar of Christ the Pope, I bless the bishops, the priests, the monks and the nuns. I bless each of you. Together with St. Giuda Taddeo, cousin of Jesus, St. Luigi Gonzaga, St. Maria Goretti, St. Giovanni Bosco, St. Domenico Savio, St. Benedetto… together with all Saints we want to say to our King with our heart to thank him: "Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus! Save the world Jesus! Save our families Jesus! Save who is weak Jesus! Save who is in sin Jesus! Save who does not recognise you Jesus! Save who does not praise you Jesus! Save who does not appreciate the Eucharist Jesus! Bless each of us Jesus. Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus!"
My children I would like to stay here longer but I have to run, I have to travel all over the world to prepare all my children, all of them!
I bless this group, I bless this Association I have asked to organise.
Children commit yourselves more because when time is ripe sometimes it creates confusion. Pray, pray, pray my children! I caress you I dry your tears, I place my hands on you. Thank you for being here to pray.
Good bye my children, I kiss you.

Thursday 15th July 1999 at 10.00 p.m. during the prayer in Mesero (Milan), after the Holy Mass.

My dear children, I am here with you to embrace Jesus who is in you. Children I have prayed with you and I was beside God’s minister during the celebration of the Holy Mass. My children I have put all sufferings of the world in that chalice.
My children I ask you to pray, yes my children, pray, pray, pray. I bless you and caress you all.
Good bye my children.

(Unfortunately the above message is not complete; we have written only some sentences because we did not have a tape recorder).

Sunday 18th July 1999 at 12.25 a.m. after the lachrymation of the Mother of Love and the Holy Rosary. At Marco’s home. This message was received during an apparition.

My dear children look at my tears. Also in this place I cry for my children.
I cry for the whole humanity that is going far from God, I cry for this humanity that is drifting. Children I ask you to pray! Beloved children I ask you: prayer, penance and sacrifices to save the world. Children, help me, help me with the prayer. I bless you in the name of God who is Father, in the name of God who is Son, Jesus, in the name of God who is Spirit of Love. Amen.
We want to say to Jesus who together with me suffers for his brothers and children: "Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus!"
I place my hands on you and I kiss you. Good bye my children.

Sunday 1st August 1999 at 05.35 p.m. during the prayer in Mesero (Milan) –after the Holy Mass-.

My dear children, my beloved children, it is a great joy for a Mother to see you gathered here in prayer around Jesus. Children, Jesus who is in you and in your heart blesses you and caresses you. Dearest children ask Jesus to save the humanity that is drifting. Children, are my tears not enough for this humanity? Are my messages not enough for this humanity? Are my comings, everywhere on this earth, not enough for this humanity? Dear children, God wants to send me to you; prepare yourselves with prayers and novenas to the big solemnity the Church celebrates on my memory, the Assumption day.
Beloved children Jesus who is here, alive and real, together with God’s minister who is invited to come to the altar, wants to bless you with the Holy Trinity. He blesses your families, your intentions and all what you wish to be blessed. The blessing is invoked for you and for all in the name of God who is Father, in the name of God who is Son, Jesus, in the name of God who is Spirit of Love. Amen. Children you see, you have heard it in the Gospel, Jesus has used little things, a little bread, few fishes and he has fed thousands of his brothers. Jesus uses also little sacrifices, little prayers to keep the heavy hand of God hand of justice and love. Children thank because God is still giving time to the humanity. Thank God! I caress all of you, I bless all of you, I bless who celebrates life, who celebrates the joy of life. I bless the children whom at this moment are seeing the light, those who are still in the womb of their mothers and those who will born soon. I bless everybody my children, you are under my mantle.
Before we say goodbye, we want to say to Jesus who is here with us: "Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus!"
Thank you my children for being here. I follow you and I bless this group and all the groups of prayer.
Good bye my children.

Sunday 15th August 1999 at 05.00 p.m. during the prayer in Ponte San Giovanni (Perugia).

My dear children thank you for being here to pray. I have come back to these lands to bless each of you and to bless all my children. Beloved children, I ask you once again to pray, yes my children, pray, pray more! Dear children the humanity has to understand the importance of prayer; you have to create groups of prayer, you have to flood of green the desert and flood of green the humanity, yes with your prayer my children!
Dearest children, Jesus has taken me with Him in the light, in Heaven.
Walk my children with Jesus; walk my children for Jesus; walk my children in Jesus all around the world and bring charity, love, bring serenity everywhere.
I thank you my children, I bless you, I bless God’s ministers here among you and I lay my hands on their heads. I bless all of you in the name of the Holy Trinity, I bless the Vicar of Christ the Pope, I bless the priest of this parish and the bishop of this city.
I bless all bishops, priests, missionaries and my blessing is invoked for you and for everybody in this wonderful day. It is in name of God who is Father, in the name of God who is Son, Jesus, in the name of God who is Spirit of Love. Amen.
Beloved children bring peace and love to your families, bring serenity and calm, bring the prayer children! My children, one day you will be with me… I lay my hands on you and I kiss you.
Before we say goodbye we say together our love to Jesus: "Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus!"
Good bye my children.

Sunday 15th August 1999 at 10.20 p.m. during the prayer in Ponte San Giovanni (Perugia).

My beloved children, I come here to ask you prayer, to ask you sacrifices, to ask you to offer little and big sufferings for your salvation and of the human being.
My dear children, in these places, in these land which I love so much I have asked groups of prayer. Beloved children listen to my request, join the prayer because the prayer is the only weapon you have to fight against the evil, to fight who does not love you, to fight who hates you. Children I come here to ask you this, especially to you in this place but I ask it to all my children: the prayer, the prayer, the prayer must grow, and must flood the world. This world that due to the welfare has forgotten God, this world does not even stop in front of big destruction, in front of wars, this world goes straight to its ruin. Beloved children your Mother wants your salvation, that is the reason why I am here with you through my instrument, the man I have chosen to talk to you tonight. This young man who embraces you, this young man who will not leave you alone until God will want it. Beloved children some God’s ministers do not understand the importance of my instruments and of my apparitions but also to them Jesus will give the big sign, the proof of the dark.
My beloved children prepare yourselves with a lot of hope because then, after long moments you will begin walking in the path of your life together with Jesus again.
Time will come when Jesus will ‘stop’ the world so that everybody understand that God is God, that God is the King of history, that God is your God. Beloved children I thank you, I thank you for the love with which you put into practice my messages, my requests, but I ask you more efforts children, more efforts in the prayer and in gathering to pray. You see, I promised you I would come back and I am back.
I will come back my children, I will come back amongst you until Jesus allows it because the moment will arrive when I retire in the shadow to leave place for Jesus. Children I bless you again and I embrace you again. My children I like to see you in this moment in prayer. You know, I have to travel in the whole world because the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of God blows everywhere in the world and so I have to travel, travel and go to all my children through many of my instruments.
I travel in the world because the love of God has to be understood. Beloved children I bless you gathered here, I bless all those who were praying with you this afternoon spread all over Italy: there were many of you children, many! Many have thought of you from the beach under the beach-umbrellas, many from the mountains, many entering a church for a short visit, many have thought of you leaving the table and going to pray; many have prayed from the seclusion, many from the missions.
There were many of you my children this afternoon to ask God peace and I have come amongst you. I bless you in the name of the Holy Trinity and it is in the name of God who is Father, in the name of God who is Son, Jesus, in the name of God who is Spirit of Love. Amen. My dear children I have to leave you, I leave you because it is impossible for me to remain constantly with you giving you my words but I remain, I remain with you spiritually my dear children. You feel me close to you, I am always with you even when you do not hear me through the words of your brother, I am always with you. Children we want to say to Jesus that prayer I like so much and that I know you like much as well, we want to say it with our heart: "Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus!" I bless this house, this family I bless all your families and your houses, I bless all what you would like me to bless here, in this place and everywhere. Thank you for having travelled to here, to have stand the heat to come here to pray. Thank you for your efforts my children. The Mother of God thanks you, but remember my children that the prayer, the prayer is the only weapon to come with Jesus to salvation. I place my hands on you my beloved children,
I caress you all, I kiss the children, all the children, especially those who suffer. Thank you children to be here in prayer and thanks to you my dear child.
Good bye my children.

Sunday 17th August 1999 at 09.10 p.m. during the prayer in Palazzo d’Assisi (Perugia).

My dear children thank you for your prayers! I have prayed with you, I pray with you and I will always pray with you. Beloved children, I come unexpected to this group to thank you for the work you have been doing since a long time. Children you got and will get great graces through the prayer. Continue in this way my children, continue to be prayer. I thank who has welcomed my instrument: when you welcome him you welcome me as well, praying with him you have prayed with me. Together with us there is Jesus, Jesus alive, real, he is here amongst his brothers to bless them.
Dearest children I bless this community, I bless God’s minister, I bless the priests, the nuns, those who offer their lives for the brothers, for those in need. I bless all what you wish me to bless, I bless this land that has given many Saints, great examples to the whole world. My blessing is invoked for you and for all, together with God’s minister and the Holy Trinity; it is in the name of God who is Father, in the name of God who is Son, Jesus, in the name of God who is Spirit of Love. Amen.
Beloved children, we want to say our love to Jesus, children we want to say with our heart: "Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus!"
I place my hands on you and kiss you all. Thank you children for the moments you offer to the Lord in the prayer. Thank you children because you offer some of your time to Him who is Lord of time. I embrace you all.
Good bye my children.

Sunday 5th September 1999 at 5,25 p.m. in Mesero (Milan) – Italy, after the Holy Mass.

My dear children, here I am with you to bring my call, to bring my blessing, to bring my greetings, my smile. Beloved children, Jesus is in your hearts, I want to embrace him, because Jesus, alive and real soon will walk in the world. Beloved children, do not be worried to know the drawings of God: my children, since many years, everywhere in the world I am being asking prayers, prayers, prayers, my children. My dear children, pray with the heart, pray really with the heart; I ask you to receive often the Sacre Sacraments, I request you to obey the Church, I request you to be witnesses and apostles of Jesus. Beloved children, the Mother comes among you to bring her blessing. I bless you, gathered here to pray, I bless all who is praying with you. I bless the Pope, the Princes of the Church, the Bishops, the ministers of God, the priests, the nuns, people who are ill, who is suffering, who are committing their souls to God; I bless the pictures you have taken with you and who is in your thoughts and memory. I bless the children, all children, I bless those whom in their old age offer their time to God praying, I bless the picture with my image, I bless the roses, your rosaries, I bless everything. Together with the ministry of God (yes my son, because you represent the Church) I bless you in the name of the Holy Trinity, in the name of God who is Father, in the name of God who is Son, Jesus, your brother, in the name of God who is Spirit of Love. Amen. Beloved children, I lay my hands on the limbs of the woman suffering, I touch the eyes of this man here, I touch the heart of the boy who loves the girl…. my children I caress you all, I impose my hands on you.
We say together to Jesus who also today has sent me among you: Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus!
My children I wait for all of you on the 26th to pray together, to praise God. Thanks to who will be busy with it, thanks to whom will be praying with my instrument, I am always among you and I bless you.
Goodbye my children.

Sunday 12th September 1999 at 5,40 p.m.
during the prayer in Ospitaletto (Brescia).

My dear sons, beloved sons, I am here with you to pray; I have prayed with you, my sons, with you I pray, with you I will always pray; I will always be with my sons when they pray.
My dear sons, in the prayer Jesus has taught "Our Father…", you often say: … ‘thy kingdom come,…. give us this day our daily bread,… …….". My dear sons, in these words you find a great, an important sense to go on. You repeat ‘thy kingdom come’, yes, God you, who are the Father, bring your Kingdom, transform the human being and send us The Comforter, your Kingdom of Love, your Kingdom, Kingdom of Peace, justice, brotherhood, may Jesus come soon. My sons, soon the Kingdom of God will come. Give us this day our daily bread, yes, your bread, nutriment of life, but also and moreover bread of Eucharist, give the nutriment of life, the Eucharist. The Eucharist that has been symbol of unity, will become, due to many of your brothers, symbol of division. Jesus, that has remained and remains amongst you, the greatest gift that God could give you, the Eucharist: His Body, His Blood, but many of my sons, do not appreciate it anymore. Pray my sons. This is your daily bread! … ‘and forgive us our debts’, forgive Lord our sins, forgive us because we are weak, we do not know, we do not know the right way, help us, forgive us Lord so that we can forgive our brothers. Oh my sons, your debtors are those who often judge you, who blame you, who hate you…. forgive them! You have listened to it today in the Holy Gospel, forgive my sons, forgive and you will be forgiven, love and you will be loved, do not judge and you will not be judged. My sons, here is the teaching of Jesus: forgive, forgive, forgive always your brother. ‘lead us not into temptation’…God does not lead us into temptation, ask God to keep you far from the Evil One, far from temptations, far from sin, far from Satan, to pray God, to praise Him.
My sons, you see, you and we have prayed with the heart, often you pray automatically, my sons, pray and listen, meditate, live your prayers. Beloved sons, I bless you, I bless you who are gathered here to pray, I bless all my sons victims of hate, victims of wars, of massacres, victims of satan. I bless those who are victims of calamities, disasters: my sons I have told you, before the Warning, before the Return of Jesus, many of your brothers will die. Beloved sons pray, because the clouds thickened in the sky very soon will fall on the human being. But my dear sons, love the prayer, the prayer is the only weapon, there is no sport, no television, no football, no politician, no authority in front of God that can save you. The prayer my sons!! Oh, the luxury houses, the stylish dresses, the food, what you all prefer, the food that overwhelms your tables. My sons, welfare, consumers’ culture, this is the nowadays world, that world that refuses God, that world that does not accept the servant, does not even accept Me.
Beloved sons, I bless you, I bless each of you, I bless the Vicar of Christ, the Bishops, the priests, I bless you all in the name of the Holy Trinity, I bless this place, this house, your houses, all what you wish me to bless. The blessing is invoked for you and everybody from the Holy Trinity and it is in the name of God who is Father, in the name of God who is Son, Jesus, your brother, the Redeemer, in the name of God who is Spirit of Love. Amen. My sons, I bless all what you wish to be blessed, I bless especially the Holy Rosaries, your weapons. My sons pray, pray more… I protect you, I impose my hands on you. We want to express together, with our hearts, our love for Jesus, and we say it together, we will always say it together: Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus!!!
Thank you for being here to pray.
Bye my dear sons.

Saturday 18th September 1999 at 5,10 p.m. during the prayer in Levico T. (Trento) Italy.

My dear son, my beloved children, I am here to bless all of you gathered here.
I extend my blessing to all whom you want to be blessed. I bless you in the name of God who is Father, in the name of God who is Son, Jesus, your brother, in the name of God who is Spirit of Love. Amen.
My children, we want to say to Jesus with our hearts: Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! I kiss you, I impose my hands on you and I caress you.
Goodbye my children.

Sunday 26th September 1999 during the prayer in the Church of Cristo Re in Clusana d’Iseo (Brescia) – Italy.

My beloved son, my dear children, thank you to be here with Jesus to pray.
I bless all of you gathered here to pray, those who you have brought here in your thoughts and memory. I bless those who in this moment are praying with you.
I bless you in the name of the Holy Trinity.
I keep you under my mantle and I kiss you.
Goodbye my children.

Sunday 3
rd October 1999 at 4,50 p.m. during the prayer in Mesero (Milan)

My dear children, my beloved children here I am again to bless you, to caress you, to recall you my children. Live the Gospel of Jesus, live it completely, be the workers in the vineyard of Lord, be announcer of His greatness! My children, Jesus’Gospel does not get old! It will never get old! My children, your Mother, your Queen comes here to tell you: children love Jesus! Live his words! I come to tell you in simple words the Gospel of my son, Jesus’ Gospel! I do not come to reveal anything to the human being but I come to remind you the way that takes you to holiness. I am the humble, the humble serve His Love has made great. My dear children I request you to pray, be prayer! I request you to live and receive the Holy Sacraments. Yes my children the Sacrament of Confession…. receive it often to receive then Jesus, alive and real, the Eucharist. Live, respect the Holy Sacraments! You, husbands and wives, live the Wedding Sacrament. You, priests and nuns live the Holy Orders. My children serve each other. My beloved, I invite you to bring the prayer everywhere in the world, even in those places where it is not well accepted. Bring the prayer, yes, prayer, smile, serenity, bring love. My children I bless you, I bless each of you, thank you, merci to be here to pray. I bless you in the name of the Holy Trinity and it is in the name of God who is Father, in the name of God who is Son, Jesus, your brother, in the name of God who is Spirit of Love. Amen.
Children, go to your houses and bring my blessing there. Your angel, your angels follow you my children, they show you the way, they show you the light. Follow the way that leads you to salvation. My dear, I bless each of you, I bless who you have brought here in your thoughts, in your prayers; I bless the religious objects, I bless these roses that adorn my feet, I bless you and I invite you to pray, to be prayer. In this month pray more, pray more my children, take up the Holy Rosary, your weapon and pray! Bring the prayer in your houses my children, let prayer enter your families. Together with the ministry of God here with us I bless you all, I caress you all and I impose my hands on you. My children we want to say together to Jesus: Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! I relieve you from the sufferings that many of you have in their hearts, the suffering in the heart of my instrument, the suffering in the hearts of those who understand the urgency of this time.
My children I follow you, pray, pray, pray my children.
Good bye my children.

Sunday 10th October 1999 at 5,40 p.m. in Ospitaletto (Brescia) during the prayer.

My dear children, my beloved children, the prayer… the prayer must enter the world, the prayer must enter the society, your families, the work places, the offices, the schools, the public offices, everywhere!
Beloved children, create groups of prayer because these are the oasis, the oasis that make the desert green, the society…
My children, the Holy Rosary is the way to heaven, the Holy Rosary allows you, children, to contemplate the mystery of Incarnation, the mystery of Suffering, the mystery of Glory, all is contained in this great prayer.
My children, the Rosary binds you to heaven. My dear children, pray, be prayer, pray more! My children I bless you, I bless all whom you have brought here in your memory, in your prayer. I raise my hands, I impose my hands on you and I bless you in the name of the Holy Trinity. It is in the name of God who is Father, in the name of God who is Son, Jesus, in the name of God who is Spirit of Love. Amen. I bless all what you want me to bless here in this place and everywhere. My children, pray, we will pray, this is the time of waiting.
We want to say together to Jesus: Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus! My children, you see, many are called, many listen to my messages but few engage seriously themselves. So pray that my arrival also in these places is not vain.
Good bye my children.
(The seeing Marco, at the end, said that during the message the Mother was smiling and spread her golden mantle over the people closing them upon in the light).

Sunday 17th October 1999 at 3,50 p.m. during the prayer in Florence.

My dear children, I am here to thank you for your prayers. Beloved children, bring the prayer in your families, bring the prayer everywhere. My dear children I ask you to create many groups of prayer because these groups are pillars raising to the sky… and I lay that net you do not see, but that net restrains the ugly things, the base actions, it restrains the danger. Beloved children, pray, be prayer! My children, I ask also to you gathered here: prayer, penance and sacrifices for your salvation and the salvation of the world. My dear children, I bless you, I bless you gathered here to pray, I bless all whom in this moment join you in the prayer. I bless the Pope, I bless the bishops, the priests, the nuns, I bless everybody. I bless sick people, those suffering. My blessing is for you and for everybody in the name of the Holy Trinity; it is in the name of God who is Father, in the name of God who is Son, Jesus, in the name of God who is Spirit of Love. Amen. My beloved children, we want to express together our love for Jesus, we say together to him: Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus!
I open my mantle and I cover you all my children. You are under the mantle of the Mother of God. I embrace you, I impose my hands on you, thanks who has given the possibility to create this group of prayer. I bless him, I bless you, I follow you my children. I will come back, I will come back in these places, my children I love you,
I am your Mother.
Good bye my children.

Sunday 24th October 1999 at 5,00 p.m. during the prayer in Riozzo di Cerro al Lambro (Milan)

My beloved child, my dear children, I am here to tell you that I am praying with you. Children, bring the prayer in you families, in your houses, my children pray all together. I want you to create groups of prayer in every parish, be united, be very united, pray… I bless you solidarity, your help I bless this group and this parish.
In front of our Jesus I bless you in the name of the Holy Trinity. We want to say to Jesus: Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus! I kiss you and I protect you all. Thanks for your prayers.
Good bye my children.

Tuesday 26th October 1999 during the prayer in the Church of Cristo Re in Clusane d’Iseo (Brescia)

My dear child, my beloved children, I am with you in prayer. Children, I have prayed with you, I pray with you and with you I will always pray. My children, I ask you for the real and authentic prayer, children I ask you to forgive and to be witness of the love God has for each of you. I bless you my children, together with the ministers of God here in prayer I bless the groups of prayers organized in this month dedicated oto the Holy Rosary, I bless those who at distance join you in the prayer. My blessing is invoked for you and for all in the name of the Holy Trinity.
My children I embrace you, I impose my hands on you, we want to say our love to Jesus, we want to sing our love to Him, to Him my children: Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus!
Good bye my children.

Sunday 7th November 1999 at 4,35 p.m. during the prayer in Mesero (Milan)

My dear children thank you for being here. Children, I am not here to disturb your prayer but to say that I am praying with you. You see my beloved children, now you have the great gift from the Holy Trinity to have among you the Mother of God. Children I am taking you by the hand, give me your hands because I want to bring you all to holiness.
Children, these are my last calls in the world, these are my last comings, I am leaving place for Jesus.
Jesus comes to visit the humanity, this humanity that has left God, this humanity that has left the true values, this humanity that has left faith and prayer, this humanity that is drifting.
Children accept these moments of grace because I want all my children to be saved, of any religion, race, language… I am the Mother of all, children, I am your Mother, I am the Mother of Catholics, Protestants, Orthodoxes, Anglicans, Muslims, Jewishes, I am the Mother of atheists… I am Mother of everybody and that is why I want you to be saved! My delighted children I embrace all of you, I keep you under my mantle, I bring all of you in my heart. Children, listen to my words, look at my tears childern! How many signs, how many signs in the world but many do not believe! Children pray, pray, pray more… I ask you: prayer, penance, sacrifices and fastens for your salvation and the salvation of the whole humanity.
Children I bless you, I bless those who are not here with you but join you in the prayer. I bless who follows my instrument, who is always beside him, I bless the ‘Opera’ I have desired, the ‘Opera’ that spreads my messages, my calls. I bless it and I want it to become bigger and bigger to spread my messages everywhere.
Children, I send my instrument to this group as I send him to other groups because I want that each of your brothers approach the prayer. Children my thanks if you will gather all my messages in an ‘Opera’ and spread it amongst all your and my brothers and children…. thank you my children!
I want to bless everybody and I bless you in the name of God who is Father, in the name of God who is Son, Jesus, your brother, in the name of God who is Spirit of Love. Amen.
Beloved children I bless all what you wish to be blessed, here in this place and everywhere. Before we say goodbye we want to say to Jesus, with all our heart: Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus! Jesus, save the world! Jesus, save our families! Jesus, save the youth! Jesus, bless the humanity! Jesus I love you! My dear children, your brothers, your protector brothers, the Protector Saints are close to you together with the souls of your dead brothers; you are all together part of this big army, the army of love… and I want it to become stronger, I want you to be saint my children. I close you in the light, in the parfume of my heart, I bring you to Jesus! Thank you for being here to pray.
I bless my child, the ministry of God who will bless his brothers.
Good bye my children.

Sunday 14th November 1999 at 5,45 p.m. during the prayer in Ospitaletto (Brescia)

My dear children, I come here in this group to ask you: prayer, penance and sacrifices. Children I ask you to be united, I ask you to be ‘un unum’ a real unity.
Children I bring all of you to Jesus, come with me, I bring you to Jesus, listen to me, I bring you to Jesus. I bless you, I bless you in the name of the Holy Trinity and it is in the name of God who is Father, in the name of God who is Son, Jesus, your brother, in the name of God who is Spirit of Love. Amen. My beloved children, we want to give to Jesus a bit of our love, we want to say to Jesus, who is suffering for this humanity: Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus!
I impose my hands on you and kiss you.
Good bye my children.

Sunday 21st November 1999 at 4,55 p.m. during the prayer in Riozzo di Cerro al Lambro (Milan)

My dear children I am here to thank you. I thank all my children for the efforts they are doing in the witness and in the real and authentic prayer. Be your life a continuous witness of the love God has for all of his children. Beloved children a little more than one month separates us from the Holy Christmas, to the opening of the holy door; children prepare yourself with prayers and sacrifices. Children, prepare yourself to the holy year with prayers, be trustful, I am close to you.
My children I ask you to be solid, see in your suffering brother Jesus, see in your hungry brother Jesus, see in your thirsty brother Jesus, see in your naked brother Jesus, see in your prisoner brother Jesus … children be charitable. Children love all your brothers without distinctions. My children, your solidarity must not be giving the crumbs falling from your tables, yes from your overflowing tables that let fall only what cannot stay on them anymore.
Give something of yours, deprive yourself of something, only in this way you can be completely happy. My children, this humanity is only worried for its welfare whereas many of your brothers do not even have the basic to live. Many of you are only worried to have lots money on their bank accounts and they do not see their brother who is freezing to death, who is dying naked, who is starving and without a house.
Children, rich people get always richer and poors poorer. God forgive and have pity for this humanity!
Beloved children, I bless all of you in the name of the Holy Trinity, I bless those who you have brought here in your prayers and memory, I especially bless all the sick people and those who undergo intensive therapies. I bless all of you and I caress you. My children, we want to sing to our King, the King of the world, the King of the history, we want to sing: Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus!
Thank you for being here to pray, I follow you.
Good bye my children.

Friday 26th November 1999 during the prayer in the church of Cristo Re in Clusane d’Iseo (Brescia).

My dear child, my dear children, I am here with you and I pray with you. My dear children I bring you all to Jesus, yes to Jesus God. He is your King, Jesus is the King of the world. Jesus did not have a precious crown on his head, his crown was a crown of thorns, very prickly thorns. May the blood coming out his head, coming out his divine heart fall on the humanity to cleanse, to heal and purify and bless it.
Children, Jesus bleeds for the salvation of the world, this world that turns away from Him. This world, this humanity drifts. I ask you to pray waiting for the Holy Christmas. I follow you and I bless you in the name of God who is Father, in the name of God who is Son, in the name of God who is Spirit of Love. Amen. Children, Jesus loves you, love Him! We say all together: Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus!
Goodbye my children.

Sunday 28th November 1999 at 5,00 o’clock in Ruvo di Puglia (Bari).

My dear children, I come here, in these places I love so much that have seen great saints and witnesses of Jesus. Be these places fertile for the words of my Son.
Beloved children I bring you to Jesus, he is coming back, the bridegroom is close by, go to him. Children, I ask you to prepare yourself for the Holy Christmas with prayers, penances, sacrifices and fasting. Jesus borns in this humanity, Jesus borns, grows, dies in you to save you. My dear children, thanks to be here to pray, I am close to you, I follow your steps, the steps of the Church, the steps of humanity, I am your Mother, I bring you all to holiness. I bless this place, this house, your houses, I bless all what you want me to bless. My blessing is invoked for you and everybody in the name of the Holy Trinity and it is in the name of God who is Father, in the name of God who is Son, Jesus, your brother, in the name of God who is Spirit of Love, Illumination and Advice. Amen. Beloved children, I bless this image representing me as Mother of Love, I bless all of you and your intentions. I follow you my children. Before I leave we want to tell Jesus our love, to Him who knows every thought and word of yours: Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus!
Goodbye my children.

Sunday 5th December 1999 at 5.30 p.m. in Mesero (Milan) during the prayer.

My dear children, my beloved children, I am with you, among you to pray. I am with all my children all over the world that in this moment are praying. I cover all of you with my mantle and I ask you to pray with me, pray with me the Holy Trinity so that it can bless the humanity. My children, prepare yourself for the Immaculate Conception day with fasten and prayers (the Holy Church of God shall prepare herself with novenas, fasten, prayers) and then prepare yourself for the Holy Christmas. Jesus comes in the world, Jesus borns in your hearts, Jesus will come back in this world, Jesus will come back to divide good from evil, to stop hates, wars, injustices, troubles. Jesus will come back, Jesus will visit the world. John the Baptist was waiting for Him, so please be the new John the Baptist, wait for Jesus with prayers, songs and himns because he is close by. My dear children I bless the Vicary of Christ, the Pope, I bless the bishops, the pristers, the missionaries, I bless the chiefs of the nations, the politicians, I bless those who lead the nations. I bless all what you want me to bless; I bless these roses, they will be my blessing and smile for those who suffer; I bless the water, the oil, the sault, the incense, the religious things, your rosaries, all what you wish to be blessed. Children, today the ministry of God here with you will bless you with the water that now God blesses…
At this moment the Mother stops talking and Marco takes the cruet under the picture of the Mother of Love, takes the flowers out and takes a sip of water. With this water he makes a cross on himself and, still down on his knees with closed eyes, gives the cruet to Don Luigi (the priester) whom the Mother asked to bless the people. After that the Virgin continues her message.
This is the blessing of the Almighty God who is Father, of Jesus God who is Son, of God who is Spirit of Love. Amen.
My dear children, I impose my hands on you and I cover you with my mantle.
May this water run to those who cannot be with you and we want to say to Jesus: Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus! Thank you for being here. I am looking forward to seeing you all on the 26th in the afternoon and I will open my mantle and Jesus will bless you. I will also come back in the afternoon of the 31st to give you my last message for this year.
My children, be the new John the Baptist, bring hope to all your brothers, bring them my smile, bring them my blessing. I bless this group. Thank you for the efforts you make to spread my messages, thank you to the many brothers who organise these groups of prayer. I follow my instrument. Run my child, be apostle of prayer, bring your witness to your brothers. I protect you and your bride, your missionary, and I bless those who love you, who hate you, who criticize you. I bless all of you because you are all my children and I want you all to be saints.
Thank you my children, pray… pray… pray.
Good bye my children.

Sunday 8th December 1999 at 4,25 p.m. during the prayer in Florence.

My dear children I come here with joy in my heart. Thank you my children to be gathered in prayer. I run to all groups of prayer, I run to all those places where, in this moment, many of your brothers are gathered in prayer. With your prayers you have created a shelder on the humanity, go on praying my children. I am beside you, I follow the steps and the destiny of the humanity, that is why when a Mother, a Mother as I am, sees many of her children turning their shoulders to God, chooses the most appropriate moment to call her children and bring her message. Beloved children, time has come to go back to God. When the angel came to me he said " Hail, thou that art highly favoured, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women. And behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shalt call his name Jesus." Children, my answer was "Yes, yes…behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word…." God in his greatness has preserved me without sin, but my dear children, I am your Mother and I want to bring you all to the holiness that’s why I ask you so often to pray. Children pray, pray, pray more. Iam beside you, I spur you, I follow you. Gather often to pray, create groups of prayer, prayer is the last hope for humanity. Beloved children I bless you all, I bless the Pope, the bishops, the priests, those who have consacrated their lives to my Son. I bless the sick persons, I bless all you wish me to bless here and everywhere. My blessing is invoked for you and everybody in the name of the Holy Trinity; it is in the name of God who is Father, in the name of God who is Son Jesus, your brother, in the name of God who is Spirit of Love. Amen. Beloved children bring the prayer to your families, bring my smile to those you love, bring my blessing to those who are far from God.
I follow you, I spur you, walk towards the light.
We want to thank Jesus who has sent me today and we want to tell our love to him: Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus!
I keep you close to my heart, I impose my hands on you and I kiss you all. May my blessing run everywhere because I am Mother of the Church, I am Mother of everyone. Thank you for being here to pray.
Good bye my children.

Sunday 19th December 1999 at 4,25 p.m. during the prayer in Anagni (Frosinone).

My dear children, my beloved children, I am here in these blessed places to bring my greetings and my call.
Beloved children, here, close to you, there is Jesus, he is close to each of you.
Children, prepare your heart, clean it, tidy it up because in few days I will put in Jesus, the little baby.
Prepare yourself with prayers, sacrifices, fastings, penance because Jesus will born, he will born in your hearts, he is coming in the world. Beloved children, I have given many of my children here great signs, that’s why I ask you to walk in the light towards Jesus.
Children, in this oasis of prayer I bless the Vicary of Christ, the Pope, I bless the whole Church, I bless all you want me to bless; beloved children, your Mother asks you to bless your brothers. Yes my children, bless your brothers, often criticism, hate, curse your brothers, you have to bring them serenity, peace, be just to everyone.
This I ask you before the return of Jesus on earth.
Beloved children, also in these places I have given great signs, ‘signs of times’ as you call them, but many of you have not recognized them.
Children I open my mantle of light on each of you, I cover you with my mantle and I would like to see you here to pray the first Sunday of the second month of next year. You will numerous and I will come here to bless you. Beloved children, I bless you and my blessing is in name of the Holy Trinity, it is in the name of God who is Father, in the name of God who is Son, Jesus, the Redeemer, in the name of God who is Spirit of Love. Amen. Children we want to tell Jesus our love, we want to say together with our heart: Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus!
Thank you for all the time you will say: Jesus I love you! Help me to love my brothers, Jesus I love you! Help me to forgive my brothers, Jesus I love you! Help me to thank my brothers, Jesus I love you! Help me to recognize you in my brothers.
Yes my children, I am Mother, Mother of all of you and I want to save you all!
I bless this house, this place, thank you to be here to pray. I kiss you.
Good bye my children.

Sunday 26th December 1999 during the prayer in the church of Cristo Re in Clusane d’Iseo (Brescia).

My dear children, my beloved children, thank you to be here to pray. I have prayed with you, I pray with you and I will always pray with you. Beloved children, in your hearts I have put baby Jesus, your God, your Brother. I have put Jesus in the heart of many of my children. I have put Jesus close to the guns, to the weapons, close to mothers who cry because they have no food for their children, I have put Jesus in many hearts because he is the King of the whole world, he is God.
Beloved children, your Mother comes here to bring her last messages, yes my children, times of proof and grace are close by. Many of my children do not understand this message, the man is searching for idols, he is searching for vices, he is searching for his welfare…. children, the human being is going to its ruin…children, convert to the little Jesus who borns in our heart and in the world.
Children, together with Jesus I bless you in the name of the Holy Trinity and it is in the name of God who is Father, in the name of God who is Son, in His name, in the name of God who is Spirit of Love. Amen.
Children, Jesus caresses you and blesses you all. Children, we want to say with our heart to him: Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Little Jesus I love you! Jesus bring peace to the world…
I bless who is here to pray, I open my mantle on those who come from far, I bless the ‘Opera’ I have desired, go on like this. I am close to you and I support you. I bless the Vicary of Christ, I bless the whole Church and I bless all those who are joined with you in the prayer.
I cover you with my mantle, I give you peace and I kiss you.
Good bye my children.
(The Mother of Love appeared to Marco during the prayer ‘Salve Regina’ and he said that she was wearing a white dress with a gold-lace eimbrodery and in her arms had baby Jesus). 

Friday 31st december 1999 at 4,20 p.m. during the prayer in Mesero (Milan).

My dear children thank you for being here to pray in front of Jesus.
Children, Jesus is our King, he is the King of the world and of the whole universe.
I bless your witness, I bless your love and all your prayers.
Beloved children, be prayer your motto, your life, everything you do has to be prayer and consequently witness of christian life.
My dear children, at the end of this year I bless you in the name of the Holy Trinity. We want to say to Jesus: Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus…
Beloved children I will come back to this place. I kiss you and bless you.
Good bye my children.


Sunday 2nd January 2000 at 4,55 p.m. during the prayer in Riozzo di Cerro al Lambro (Milan).

(The Mother of Love has appeared with baby Jesus in her arms and, before giving the message, she has put him for a few minutes in the arms of Marco).
My dear children, Jesus is amongst you. He is really with you! He is in your hearts where he is growing.
Children, I give peace to the human being, peace that is constantly menaced in the world. Beloved children, may the peace of Bethlehem be in this house, in your houses, all over the world. Children, your Mother brings you Jesus, the little Jesus, an innocent child; Him, the King of History, Him, your King, your God.
Children, how many of your brothers do not listen to him anymore and do not accept him anymore. Pray for them!
I bless this new year that is just begun and I bless all your brothers. I bless all my children, I bless who will suffer this year because God will give big signs to the human being. I bless you in the name of the Holy Trinity, it is thus in the name of God who is Father, in the name of God who is Son, Jesus, your brother, in the name of God who is Spirit of Love. Amen.
Children shall we say our love for Jesus, to Jesus who is here? Would you say it? Jesus is here and we say it together, he is here, in my arms…. Jesus I love you!
Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus! Yes my children, you love him and he loves you as well! Jesus I love you! Thank you Jesus! Thank you for your love Jesus! Thank you for all what you give us Jesus! Jesus we love you! We love you also for those who do not love you! We love you for the Pope! We love you for the whole church! We love you for those who love you! We love you for those who suffer with you! Thank you Jesus!
Children Jesus blesses you, Jesus caresses you, Jesus, who is in your heart, wants to walk with you. Now, while I leave you with Jesus in my arms, I bring with me the souls of some of your brothers who have preceded you in the eternal rest, yes, also the souls of your parents, I bring them with me to Heaven. They, together with all your relatives and friends will pray God who is life, who is joy, who is peace. They protect you from Heaven waiting for His return.
Good bye my children.
(At the end of the message Marco has seen the Mother surrounded by many souls and amongst them those of some of the people he knew).

Sunday 9th January 2000 at 4,40 p.m. during the prayer of the second Sunday of the month in Ospitaletto (Brescia).

My dear children, my beloved children, I come here in this place to ask you prayers, penance and sacrifices awaiting for the return of Jesus Christ.
Beloved children, in this year of grace I would like to see you often in prayer, here and in other places because the groups of prayer are the oases that have to flood the desert; the desert is the world going away from God.
Beloved children come back to God! Come back to faith! Convert to God!
My dear children, I open my arms, I cover you with my mantle and I bless you in the name of the Holy Trinity. It is in the name of God who is Father, in the name of God who is Son, Jesus, your brother, in the name of God who is Spirit of Love. Amen.
My children listen to my calls, they come from the whole world by now.
Children, pray, pray, pray.
We want to say with our heart our love to Jesus: Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus!
I caress you all, I kiss the children, the young people, those young people who do not understand that life is a gift of God and does not have to be thrown away. I bless the parents and everybody, I am your Mother and I want you all to be save. Thank you for being here in prayer.
Good bye my children.

Thursday 13th January 2000 at 4,05 p.m. during the prayer in the Church of Jesus, Mary and Joseph in Milan.

My dear child, my dear children, I have prayed with you, I pray with you and I will always pray with you. Beloved children, today I invite you to pray with your heart. Children, the prayer has to get in your lives and change it. Beloved children, if the prayer enters yourself, it will change you completely. Yes my children, you will be able to see and listen with new eyes and new ears. Do not make opposition to the greatness of God. Children give some of your time to God in the real prayer. God knows you in your deepest. He loves you from the eternity, love Him!
Children, together with the minister of God here with you, I bless you in the name of the Holy Trinity; it is in the name of God who is Father, in the name of God who is Son, Jesus, in the name of God who is Spirit of Love. Amen.
Children, I wait for you here in prayer in front of Jesus the second Thursday of the next month. You know my children, Jesus is often alone, he is alone in many churches, go and stay with him, stop in front of Him, prisoner of love.
Thank you if you would accept my request, I will be here with you. Before we say goodbye we want to say with our heart to Jesus: Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus!
I embrace and kiss you all.
Good bye my children.

Sunday 16th January 2000 at 4,40 p.m. during the prayer in the church of Riozzo di Cerro al Lambro (Milan).

My dear children, I am praying with you. Beloved children thank you for being here to pray. My beloved children, in my heart and in the divine heart of Jesus there is much suffering… children, the human being is going further from God.
The human being is drifting and going further and further from salvation.
Children, you pray, pray, pray… I bless you and kiss you all. Good bye my children

Thursday 10th February 2000 at 3,45 p.m. during the prayer in the church of Jesus, Maria and Joseph in Milan.

My dear children, my beloved children, thank you for your prayers. You have made the Divine Heart of Jesus happy, you have kept him company. I open my mantle and I wrap you in the light. My dear children, I have prayed with you, I pray with you and I will always pray with you, especially when you redress injuries that many of your brothers cause to Jesus and his Divine Heart. Beloved children, bring the prayer and the Holy Rosary in your families. In this time of grace I come amongst you so thoughtful, I know the sorrows of humanity, I want to relieve other sorrows of this humanity. It is God who wants me to come amongst you to take you back on the way to Jesus. Children, come back to God, come back to the faith, come back to the origins…
At this time of grace and sorrow beloved children, switch off the television. It has become a new idol my children. In front of it you adore welfare, success, power, you scorn and turn your faces if you see your brothers dying of famine, of thirst, victims of wars… beloved, how much indifference and coldness in the hears of many of my children! Children, switch off the television and pray together in your houses.
These are some considerations and suggestions for you and all my dear children.
I bless those families who renovate their faith with prayers, I bless you all in the name of the Holy Trinity. It is in the name of God who is Father, in the name of God who is Son, Jesus, in the name of God who is Spirit of Love. Amen.
Children, we want to say to Jesus: Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus! My blessing is now for the ministers of God here present and for those who suffer.
I hug you all my children and kiss you.
Good bye my children.

Saturday 26th February 2000 during the prayer and the ‘hour of grace’ in the church in Clusane d’Iseo (Brescia).

My dear children, I am praying with you. I have prayed with you, I pray with you and I will always pray with you. You have kept company to Jesus and His Divine Heart. Children, Jesus loves you, he loves all of you as if you are the universe. Children, go to your houses and bring there the prayer, be real apostols and witness of prayer. The prayer has to enter every place, reniew your life with prayer, bring charity, solidarity and love everywhere.
I bless you my dear children, I bless you in the name of God who is Father, in the name of God who is Son, Jesus, your brother, in the name of God who is Spirit of Love. Amen.
My children, I wait for you here, in prayer, and I according to God’s will I will grant…on the day when you remember the sixth anniversary of my messages. I will be here, amongst you, I will be close to those who come from far away. I cover you with my mantle, I protect you. Go back to your houses singing "Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus!"
Good bye my children.

Years of grace
Sunday 27th February 2000 we have remembered the lachrymation of the statue of the Immaculate happaned on 26th February 1958 in Ospitaletto (Brescia) by Andrea G. There we have prayed and thanked the Virgin for the many gifts she has given and still gives to her children.
All participants followed the meeting with great interest and devotion. During the Holy Mass celebrated by Padre Donato many were the moments of meditation particularly on the time we are living "…time of grace and waiting for Jesus…" During the meeting Marco has received a short greeting from the Mother for all participants and especially for the priests (many people came from areas around Padua, Vicenza, Lecco, Milan, Mantua, Bergamo and Brescia). They were moments of intense prayer in an afternoon dedicated to meditation. Hours of contact with the alive and real supernatural. We thank the Mother for these 42 years of graces, we wish to be close and realize her requests of thoughtful Mother. We report herebelow her short greeting:
"Beloved children, I bless you with all my heart, particularly the priests here present. I impose my hands on them and I urge them to bring their brothers to salvation and sanctity. I ask you, my dear children, to pray for the priests, the ministers of my Son, the ministers of God. These are time of grace and wait… I bless you with my heart, I collect all your intentions, your kisses and I bring them to the throne of Jesus.
I bless you and protect you. Good bye my children."

Sunday 5th March 2000 at 04.35 p.m. during the prayer meeting in Florence.

My dear children, beloved children, thank you for your prayers. I have prayed with you and I have come back among you because I am worried, I am worried for the whole humanity. Children, come back to God, come back to the faith, to the prayer. Many of my children and God’s ministers do not understand the reason of my apparitions in the entire world. Children, I want to bring you to salvation, I want you all to be saved, that is the reason why I am coming here and to so many places on earth.
My call is for: prayer, penance, sacrifice, humbleness, simplicity, and charity. Live the belonging to the Mystic Body of Christ, receive the Holy Sacraments, and do not nurse a grudge against anybody. Love my Jesus. I want to bring you all to Jesus.
Beloved children, in this time of grace I invite you to prepare the way to Jesus who will come back; yes my children, this is the time of grace, time of wait. Help me my children, bring prayer everywhere in the world. Children, I bless you all, I bless you gathered here to pray and I bless those who, in this moment, are joining you in the prayer.
I bless the Vicar of Christ, the bishops, the priests, the nuns. My motherly blessing is for them and for all those souls who, in silence, offer their prayer for the salvation of the humanity. Children, the humanity does not understand that this is the last time of Satan. Pray, pray, pray more.
Opening my mantle on you I bless you all. I bless you in the name of the Holy Trinity, in the name of God who is Father, in the name of God who is Son, in the name of God who is Spirit of Love. Amen.
Beloved children we say together to Jesus, with all our heart: "Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus!" I impose my hands on you, I kiss you all and I thank you for being here to pray. I follow you, going back to your houses bring my kiss and my smile to all your brothers.
Good bye my children.

Thursday 9th March 2000 at 03.40 p.m. during the prayer meeting in the Jesus, Mary and Joseph’s church in Milan.

My dear children, I am praying with you. Beloved children, in this time of grace and sacrifice I invite you to pray. Children, pray and fast, but the most important thing is that you love each other. I wish peace and love to triumph in the entire world in the wait for the triumph of God’s Kingdom. Thank you for being here to pray; I bless you in the name of the Holy Trinity, in the name of God who is Father, in the name of God who is Son, Jesus, your brother, in the name of God who is Spirit of Love. Amen.
Good bye my children.

Sunday 12th March 2000 at 04.35 p.m. during the prayer meeting in Ospitaletto (Brescia).

My dear children, my beloved children, I have not come here to disturb your prayer but to bring my greeting. Children, this is the time of confusion, the time of Satan! The evil is sowing hate, injustice and discord on the whole earth. Children, pray so that he can not hit anymore, because when you do not pray you are weak and he can hit more… pray my children, pray more. I am beside you, I follow you and want to bring you all to sanctity.
On the day you will celebrate the 6th anniversary of my apparitions, I will open my mantle and wrap you in the light; I will descend among you and bring my blessing.
Children, I wish to bless you so that you can remain in my heart, I bless you in the name of God who is Father, in the name of God who is Son, Jesus, your brother, in the name of God who is Spirit of Love. Amen.
Beloved children, we say together our love for Jesus, we say it also for those brothers who do not love Him, and we say it with our heart: "Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus!". Thank you my children, I bless the "Association The Mother of Love", I bless the new seat, I bless your drawings because they sometimes become the drawings of heaven. Thank you for being here to pray.
Good bye my children.

Friday 17th March 2000 at 09.45 p.m. during the prayer meeting in Rescaldina (Milan).

My dear children, thank you for your prayers. I have prayed with you and I am among you in prayer. Jesus has allowed me to descend amongst you to bring His blessing.
Beloved children, here you are Jesus’ sufferance, Jesus’ calvary, Jesus’ sores: the humanity who is drifting, the humanity who is going further and further from salvation. The humanity causes sufferance to the Divine Heart of Jesus. Children pray waiting for sanctity and light. I bless you, I impose my hands on you, I caress you all and I bless those whom you have brought here in your thoughts. My blessing is invoked for you and for all from the Holy Trinity. It is thus in the name of God who is Father, in the name of God who is Son, Jesus, in the name of God who is Spirit of Love. Amen.
Beloved children, shall we say together our love to Jesus, to that Jesus who from the cross cried out "consumatum est", and gave off the sweet smell of his soul, the sweet smell of glory and salvation for all of you. We say to him: "Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus!". Thank you for being here to pray.
Good bye my children.

Sunday 26th March 2000 on the occasion of the 6th anniversary of the apparitions in the Church of Clusane d’Iseo (Brescia).

My dear children, I am among you to pray, I have prayed with you and I will always pray with you. Children, in these hours of grace I wish to bless you in a very special way. I wish to bless you here and all those whom you have brought here in your thoughts. I wish to bless all those brothers of you whom, in this moment, are joining you in the prayer. Beloved children, since six years, in this place, in these valleys, which I love so much, I have being calling you to come back to God and to the real faith. Children, do not wait, time is mature, walk towards the light and salvation, you cannot postpone this start, start doing it seriously! Dear children and God’s ministers, in this time of grace pray, fasten and offer these sacrifices for the salvation of the world.
I descend among you because I love you, because I am Jesus’ Mother and your Mother, I descend among you because God wants it. Children, live my calls, put into practice my messages, be witness of your faith!
I bless each of you, I bless my instrument, I bless God’s ministers here present and I bless all what you wish me to bless. My blessing is invoked for you and for all in the name of God who is Father, in the name of God who is Son, Jesus, in the name of God who is Spirit of Love. Amen. I caress you all, I kiss you and keep you tight under my mantle.
Good bye my children.

Sunday 9th April 2000 at 04,40 p.m. during the prayer in Ponte San Giovanni (Perugia).

My dear children, I am back to this blessed place to bring you all to God!
Beloved children, I have already asked it to you and now I repeat it once again: create oases of prayer to flood the desert of green! My children, I am very worried for this humanity that is going far from salvation, I am worried because many of my children, also God’s ministers, are going far from salvation. Again as Mother of Love I am here at this place to bring love and serenity to your families, to your houses, to the groups of prayer and to the parishes. Beloved children, once more I make my appeal, I am making it in every place on earth and now I make it right here in this place: children pray! I am sowing and soon Jesus will win the harvest. Pray and be prayer.
Thank you children because I know you have to travel not only physically but also with your heart to look for Jesus. Very often you cannot find Him in those empty churches, but He is there, He is there waiting for you, He is there to bless you. Go to the Tabernacle of Jesus, Jesus is in the tabernacles of all the world. There in front of Him ask, and it will be given to you; search and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you; bless and you will be blessed; love and you will be loved; give and you will receive.
Children, thank you for being here to pray. I bring you all in my Heart, I bring all children in my Heart, the little child here by my instrument and all the children of the world. I bless you all because I love you and I wish to bring you all to Sanctity. I open my mantle on you my children, I wrap you in the light and I bless you in the name of the Holy Trinity. I bless you in the name of God who is Father, in the name of God who is Son, Jesus your brother, in the name of God who is Spirit of Love. Amen.
Beloved children, we want to tell Him with our heart, because He is the one who has sent me amongst you: Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus!
Go back to your houses and bring my blessing to your dear ones, to those who are waiting for you at home, bring my blessing to your relatives, your friends, bring my blessing to God’s ministers who suffer for your salvation. Bring my blessing to those who oppose God’s plans. Bring everywhere my blessing because I am Mother and I wish everybody to be saved.
Thank you for being here, thank you if you would bring the prayer to your houses, go my children and smile because Heaven is made by those who smile.
Good bye my dear child, good bye my children.

Thursday 13th April 2000 at 03,45 p.m. during the prayer in the Jesus, Maria and Joseph’s church in Milan.

My dear child, my beloved children, I am here among you to pray and worship Jesus.
Children, your suffering is nothing compared to the suffering in Jesus’ Divine Heart. My children, Jesus suffers because He sees the humanity going far from Him.
Jesus suffers because He sees the youth taking the wrong way, the way of immoderate entertainment and vice. Children, Jesus suffers because He sees that his children do not take care of the real values anymore and everything has become allowed.
My children, I ask you to pray for this humanity. I bless you with all my heart. Goodbye my children.

Sunday 16th April 2000 at 04,50 p.m. during the prayer in the church in Riozzo al Lambro (Milan).

My dear child, my dear children I am praying with you in front of Jesus. My children the humanity is suffering, it is suffering as a woman during a difficult travail. Children, the humanity is purifying itself…after the pains of childbirth the joy, the happiness to see a new life, fruit of love. After the sufferings the humanity will see the light, will see and will live in the Kingdom of Heaven, the Kingdom of the Spirit of Love. Children I wish to bless this oasis, I would like to see groups of prayer being created in each parish. The prayer prepares you to the time of grace in God.
I bless these days to Easter, I ask you to walk with Jesus to the Calvary, to embrace the cross and resurrect with Him. I bless the mothers who suffer for their children, I bless the families in need. I bring all in my heart and I bless everybody.
Goodbye my children.

Tuesday 25th April 2000 at 04,30 p.m. during the prayer in Anagni (Frosinone).

My dear children, thank you for being here in this oasis of prayer. Beloved children, I have prayed with you, I am praying with you and I will always pray with you.
Children, Jesus who from the cross has drawn all to him, is resurrected as He promised. Jesus is resurrected and has destroyed the death. Jesus is resurrected and He wishes to resurrect also in your heart, also in the hearts of those who are in the deepest sin, in the heart of all his children and brothers. Jesus wishes to resurrect.
Dearest children, from the cross Jesus has trusted you to Me and I have been trusted to you as Mother. This is why I am coming to this group of prayer as I am going to many groups spread all over the world, because it is Jesus and God’s will to bring this humanity that is leaving Him to salvation.
My children, people are looking for who knows whom and what, people in their welfare do not even understand the birth, death and resurrection of Jesus anymore… everything has become a one-day trip outdoor. Children, how much pain there is in His Divine Heart! My instrument, your brother, has a big pain but compared to Jesus’ pain it is a very little one! (*)
Children, Jesus has chosen the cross to save you, He has not chosen a weekend or a holiday, He has not chosen a luxury house or a nice dress or a good meal to save you… Jesus has chosen the cross! Children, from that cross He is crying: pray! Pray because the humanity is going through difficult moments, pray!
Beloved children, I thank you for being here to pray, I bless you all, each of you, I bless you gathered here and those who have joined you in the prayer. I bless all of you and all what you would like me to bless. My blessing is invoked together with Jesus the Resurrected, with Jesus who has destroyed the death, with Jesus who is resurrected for you. It is the blessing of the Holy Trinity, it is in the name of God who is Father, in the name of God who is Son, Jesus, your brother, the Redeemer, in the name of God who is Spirit of Love. Amen.
Dearest children, we want to tell Him who loves each of you as if you were the universe, yes children, realize it, Jesus loves you! We want then to say with our heart: Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus! Thank you my children, Jesus returns your love with His blessing. In this way I will bless you again the first Sunday of the seventh month of this new year, new year because year of light.
I hug you all, I keep you tight under my mantle, I wait for you here to pray.
Good bye my children.

(*) I have offered my suffering for the Pope and the unity of all the groups of prayer. Our Mother reminds us that Jesus has chosen the cross and the suffering to save us from sin and death. Resurrecting He has destroyed the death. May His Passion, which He has suffered for us, be impressed in our heart. May His wounds be our wounds, His pain our pain, His Glory our hope of life. My wishes for a good month of May to all members and friends of the Association the Mother of Love. I will remember you in my poor prayers during this time of grace and wait. Marco.
(The sign –a cross on the palm of his hand- has appeared on Wednesday 19th April, the Wednesday of the Holy Week, at 01,30 p.m. and it is still open and bleeding. Besides this also the stigma on his chest has opened for the tenth time).

Sunday 30th April 2000 at 05,05 p.m. during the prayer in the seat of the Association in Paratico (Brescia).

My dear children, my beloved children, thank you for being here in prayer. I have prayed with you. Dearest children, mercy is great, Jesus, God Mercy is everything.
He is your King, a King full of mercy but my children, He is also a King full of justice. Ask Him to have mercy of this humanity.
Beloved children, I have come here to recall you to the prayer. How often I will recall you to the prayer in this oasis! Children, I ask you to invite all your brothers to the prayer, nobody excluded; all your brothers of any language, race, religion, all have to be prepared to the return of God on the earth. Children, God is merciful but remember: ask Him for forgiveness for all the times you do not recognize Him, for all the times you do not help Him, for all the times you do not pray and praise Him.
I bless you together with your Protector Saints St. Giuda Taddeo, St. Luigi Gonzaga, St. Maria Goretti, St. Giovanni Bosco, St. Faustina and all Saints and together with the angels and archangels…. I bless this seat and I bless all of you in the name of the Holy Trinity. It is thus in the name of God who is Father, in the name of God who is Son, Jesus, your brother, the Redeemer, in the name of God who is Spirit of Love. Amen.
Dear children, trust Jesus, put you in His Heart! I gather all your prayers and bring them to His Mercy and from Heaven the blessings and graces you ask for will fall down on you. I bless the water, the oil, the salt, the incense and all religious things.
I bless the statue that represents me, I bless the man who has made it, I have guided his hands… I bless him, his wife, their children and his family. I bless who has worked to prepare this place, I bless everybody, those who could not come here but who have prayed with you, I bring you all in my Heart. I bless all those who will come in and out this place. I bless the Vicar of Christ, the bishops, and all God’s ministers who will stop here and pray. My children, to say goodbye we say together to Jesus: Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus!
I lay my hands on you, I caress you all, go back to your houses and bring my blessing there. Have a good month of May my children.
Goodbye my children.


Message received on Thursday 11th May, 2000 at 03:40 p.m.
during the prayer and worship of the Eucharist in the Church of Jesus, Mary and Joseph in Milan

My dear children, I have stayed amongst you to pray with you. During this month consecrated to the Holy Church of God and to the Holy Rosary I ask you to deepen your understanding of this prayer and to live it to its fullest. My children, I urge you to understand the importance of prayers and especially of the Holy Rosary: the prayer the Holy Trinity and I love so much. My children, I ask you to pray in groups with your brothers and friends.
Again I ask you to consecrate yourself to my Immaculate Heart according to God’s will: yes my children, consecrate your heart to my Heart! How could otherwise my Immaculate Heart triumph in the world if it does not first triumph in the hearts of my children! All you have to offer: your time, your work, your acts, all your crosses small or great, offer all your suffering….everything you have to offer!
My children, in this time of proof and grace say often this prayer: "Jesus forgive us our sins, save us from the fire of hell and bring all souls to heaven, especially those who mostly need your holy mercy".
Again I ask the ministers of God, my beloved children, to be real apostles and witnesses of Jesus. I ask them to cure, to feed, to heal, to bless and to free their brothers. Children, do not drink from the cup of vices, keep away from you sins, temptations and evil. Children, even though you live in this world stay out of it, live for Jesus, be with Jesus, spread love, serenity and tranquillity to all those around you. Dear children bring prayers and especially the Holy Rosary to your houses and to your families. I protect you and I bless you with my heart in the name of the Holy Trinity. With our heart we tell Jesus: Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus!
Thank you for being here to pray. I kiss all of you and I cover you with my mantle.
Goodbye my children.

Message received on Thursday 25th May, 2000 on Marco’s birthday

Dear children, you chosen by God, live serenely in my love these important days in which history is being fulfilled. Do not ask yourself questions you cannot answer but work each day with zeal. You have an important task to perform: work hard for it with all your forces because I ask you only this: do well what you are already doing, cooperate for the spiritual salvation according to your possibilities. Jesus will give you the abundant reward, which is due to hard-working and faithful servants. He is God and everything is His, you will not lack anything.
I bless you in the name of the Holy Trinity, in the name of God who is Father, in the name of God who is Son, Jesus, in the name of God who is Spirit of Love. Amen.
Today I will intercede for you and for all in a special way. I especially bless all prayer groups consecrated to me, I bless my instrument and his family. I bless those who work and will work with a real spirit of charity, love and devotion for the victory of the work I have desired, the work of the Mother of Love. For all of you is my motherly blessing and protection. Goodbye my children.

Message received on Friday 26th May, 2000 at 09:40 p.m. in the Church of Cristo Re in Clusane d’Iseo (Brescia)

My dear children, I come to this place to thank you for your prayers. I have prayed with you beloved children, now I take your prayers and offer them at the throne of the Most High. My children I ask you to continue during this month of May with prayers and sacrifices to meet Jesus. Beloved children, you are fully in the time of proofs, you are in the time of purification, dear children help me to save what can still be saved. Help me with your prayers. Pray, be prayer, the forces of Satan are rebelling, stay together under my mantle and be prayer. I will protect you in the most difficult hour.
I bless you with my heart and I bring you to Jesus.
Goodbye my children.

Sunday 28th May, 2000 at 05.00 p.m. in Florence

My dear children, thank you for your prayers, thank you for your sacrifices. I gather all your prayers and those of your brothers praying with you in other places and offer them to Jesus. Beloved children, in this month of May I have prayed with you and I urge you to continue to pray, to go on through suffering moments and sacrifices to meet Jesus. Dear children, may love triumph in the whole world because God is Love, God is the only great giver of Life-Love.
Children, may love enter all families, all religious communities, in the work environments, in the factories, in the offices, in the schools, in the hospitals, may love be in the society, in the whole Church because God is infinite love and I am the Mother of Love and I want to remind you of this.
Children, you chosen by God, again I urge you to pray, to make your life a prayer.
I follow you, I am close to you, I listen to each request of you, I dry your tears, I smile and rejoice with you and I suffer also with you.
Beloved children, I bless all of you, I bless each of you, I bless those you have brought here in your thoughts and prayer, I bless all religious things that are here, I bless your weapons which are the Holy Rosaries. I bless all what you would like me to bless here and in your houses. My blessing is invoked for you and for all from the Holy Trinity in the name of God who is Father, in the name of God who is Son, in the name of God who is Spirit of Love. Amen.
Children, bring my blessing to your houses and while going back say: "Jesus come in my house! Bring peace, love, and serenity in this family, come in Jesus because you are our King and may Heaven come in with you!"
I bless those who will become priests: you are all in my heart.
Before we leave we say together: Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus!
I open my mantle over you my children, I hug you all, I hold you tight. Go and announce that Jesus Christ is Love and that Jesus Christ is God. I am with you when you are witnesses and apostles of love. Thank you for being here, I will come back.
Goodbye my children.

Saturday 3rd June 2000 at 09.35 p.m. in Bastia (Perugia)

My dear and beloved children, I come back to this part of the land to thank you for your prayers. Beloved children: thank you for your prayers! I have prayed with you, I will always pray with you. I gather these prayers and bring them to Jesus who sits at the right hand of the Father and who is close to you.
My children, continue to be prayer in this way. I bless this place, I bless all what you wish to be blessed here and in your houses. My children, I bless those who suffer, I bless who is sick, who is affected by evil influences, I bless everybody. I especially touch the limbs of this woman and the forehead of this little child.
I bless you all in the name of God who is Father, in the name of God who is Son, in the name of God who is Spirit of Love. Amen.
Children, before we leave we say together to Jesus: "Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus!". Thank you for being here. Tomorrow I will open my mantle over you again and I will collect again your prayers and your intentions. I protect you my beloved children, love the Divine Heart of Jesus. Goodbye my children.

Sunday 4th June 2000 at 04.25 p.m. in Ponte San Giovanni (Perugia)

My dear and beloved children, here I am again amongst you gathered here to pray to grant you that I will collect all your prayers and bring them to Jesus. Beloved children: Jesus loves you, His Divine Heart which is Love, loves you. Love him! I ask you my children to continue to pray the Holy Rosary in this month of June, the month of the Divine Heart of Jesus. Children pray more: be prayer! I am descending in every corner of the earth to ask for prayers and also here I descend to ask the same. Transform your life through the prayer. I open my mantle over you and I cover you, I wrap you in the light. I listen to your requests and I let descend on you my motherly blessing. My blessing is invoked for you and for all from the Holy Trinity, it is thus in the name of God who is Father, in the name of God who is Son, Jesus your brother, in the name of God who is Spirit of Love. Amen.
Be the will of God fulfilled in heaven and on earth. Remember my children that God is love, His will is endless love. The human being who is leaving God is going to his destruction. What I asked many years ago to those three little shepherds in Fatima, I am going to ask you now again: stop the genetic research! Stop wars! Children, I am worried for you, for the Holy Church of God, I am worried because I see many of my children going away from salvation. In each corner of the earth I am now revealing what I revealed to those little three shepherds and it is for this reason that the time now has come in which you have to start acting seriously.
Before we say good-bye to each other, because you know my children, I have to run to so many places, we tell Jesus with our heart: Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus!
Beloved children, when you go back to your houses bring my blessing. I follow you, I am with you, I follow the destiny of humanity, thank God because He is allowing me to descend among you and urge you to go back to Him. Thank also the Holy Trinity.
I bless all what you want me to bless, I bless all these roses here in front of my image, I bless the water and the oil so that you bring them to those who suffer.
Good bye my children.

Thursday 8th June 2000 at 03.40 p.m. in the church of Jesus, Mary and Joseph in Milan

My beloved children the Divine Heart of Jesus is suffering and bleeding due to the many sins of my children. His heart rich with love for humanity wants the salvation of all of you, but my dear children, if you do not pray and do good works how can you get to Him? I am your mother, that is why I ask you to love the Sacred Heart of Jesus: He is God, He is the only, real God. Man does not want to understand that the real values have been hidden by too many permissiveness! God is the only one who can give life. Stop genetic research! Stop the manipulation of life! Man must not dare too much, men must not dare to go against life, if he does so he will go far from God and he will destroy himself.
I ask you my children to consecrate yourself now to the Divine Heart of Jesus.
He is the King and the centre of the universe and of your heart. I pray for each of you, especially for the doctors who are open to life and work for the good sake of their brothers allowing the miracle of life. I bless you with my heart in the name of the Holy Trinity. Good bye my children.

Saturday 17th June 2000 at 04.20 p.m. in Galliate Lombardo (Varese)

My dear children, I come in this oases of prayer with joy in my heart. In this place I bring you my thanks for the effort you put in witnessing your love for the Holy Trinity. Children continue to pray. Here, suffering, you are offering yourself to me, Mother of Love and Mother of Mercy, I listen to you and I assure you of my motherly protection and blessing. I bless you all gathered here in the name of God who is Father, in the name of God who is Son, Jesus, in the name of God who is Spirit of Love. Amen. Children, I ask the minister of God, during the sacrifice on the altar to offer together with you, all your anguish, suffering, joy and those of all my children.
Ask God together with me to have mercy of humanity. The cross has for many of my children become a sign of scandal, of humbleness; it is removed from the walls of many houses and places. Children, may the cross triumph in each heart and in each house: this is the sign of salvation and redemption. The cross is the symbol of the total love of God the Father, Son and Spirit of Love for all his children.
I bless you with my heart and I would like to see you again here to pray the last Sunday of next month. I give you peace, serenity and love. Good-bye my children.

Sunday 25th June 2000 at 04.35 p.m. in Paratico (Brescia)

Beloved children, thank you for your prayers. I have prayed with you and I will pray with you. I am here with you in prayer and I will be near the ministers of God when they offer, together with you, the Sacrifice. I am happy to see you here with my instrument gathered to pray and to see other children of mine in different places of the earth praying. I hug you all and I keep you close to my Heart.
I ask again that men respect life because it is gift of God. If you do not respect life how could you respect God and live in His Kingdom, the Kingdom of the Spirit of Love?
I bless those who have come from far away, I bless you all in the name of the Holy Trinity.
It is in the name of God who is Father, in the name of God who is Son, in the name of God who is Spirit of Love. Amen.
Children, I mark you with the seal of life, the sign of the cross and you children of light, bring light to all your friends, brothers and acquaintances.
I follow your work and I spur you on to continue the walk towards Jesus. We tell Him: "Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus!".
Good-bye my children.

Monday 26th June 2000 in the church of Cristo Re in Clusane d’Iseo (Brescia)

My dear child, my beloved children, tonight while I thank you for your warm prayers, I ask you to pray for the great and faithful helmsman: the Vicar of Christ. I am keeping him tight to my Heart and accompany him towards the light and God will give him soon the rich reward.
I ask you my children to pray for him each moment and I ask you to pray with him on the grave of the apostles. I ask once more, I am very worried for this, men respect life, men stop in front of life, God cannot allow the manipulation about the spurn of life, His great gift!
Stop scientific and genetic researches aiming at creating monsters, listen to my request, stop while there is still time!.
I bless you all with my motherly love and I bring you my caress. Good-bye my children.


Message received on Sunday 4th August, 2002 in Galliate Lombardo (Varese)

"My dear children, I rejoice with you today gathered here to pray. My children, in these days, for many of you of holidays, I ask you to be as the wise virgins of the Gospel. My children, even if you are in this world and live conditioned by who and what is around you, I ask you to think of God and to work for the come of the Kingdom of the Spirit of Love.
My children, together with the Archangels, the Angels and all Saints may my blessing descend on you. Thank you for being here to pray.
Goodbye my children".

Message received on Thursday 15th August, 2002
in the church of Calenzano (Florence)

"My dear children, in this wonderful day I come to you to bring you my blessing. My children remember: Jesus has laid out the path, I come only to remind you to follow it and to bring you all to Him. Dear children, today I urge you to pray with your heart and to prepare treasures in heaven. My children, do not mass treasures and possesses on this earth, wait for your final destination, wait for eternal life in Heaven by helping your brothers. My children, God will ask you to show him your hands: might they be full of good deeds and prayers.
I bless you in the name of God who is Father, in the name of God who is Son, in the name of God who is Spirit of Love. Amen.
I keep you all close to me and I kiss you. Goodbye my children".

Message received on Sunday 25th August, 2002 in Paratico (Brescia)

"My dear children, in this afternoon of prayers, I have prayed with you God the Almighty Father, the Creator of the world and Him who gives life. With you I have praised and thanked God, Son and Redeemer of the world, for His infinitive mercy.
I have prayed with you the Spirit of Love so that he may descend with his gifts on you and on all. My children, while many of your brothers are put to test by catastrophes, floods and calamities, I urge you to intensify your prayers.
My children, again I ask you for sacrifice, fast and good deeds to lighten the ‘justice arm’ that has to descend to the world.
My children, I bless you in the name of God who is Father, in the name of God who is Son, in the name of God who is Spirit of Love. Amen.
I keep you close to my heart. Thank you for being here to pray. Goodbye my children".

Message received on Sunday 8th September, 2002
in Mbalmayo (Cameroon, Africa)

(During his stay in Mbalmayo, Marco has received some messages of Our Lady. After discussing with his "spiritual father", he decided to publish this one of 8th September. The message of 15th September, a very strong and prophetic one, is for the moment not published).

"My dear child, in this celebration day I come here to keep you close to my heart and thank you for being in this continent I love so much.
While you are in this land I would like to remind you some of my calls for charity.
Do you remember when I told you that every day there are people who do not have anything to eat, drink, who are naked and have no house? Here you have lived with them and seen with your eyes what I told you. That is why I told you ‘your charity has not to be like giving the crumbs falling from your overflowing tables’.
My child, today the Church celebrates my birth: in this day I specially urge you to respect life, this big gift of God. I would like every man to respect life, his and that of his brother. Again. life is a gift of our Good God. My children, here my call because each man mends his ways and respects life. My call is particularly for my daughters: ‘remember, my daughters, in your womb, from the moment of conceive, there is a son of God. Do not be afraid of difficulties, the Good God fees the birds, he will provide for you as well.’
No abort anymore, no men anymore to think being greater than whom who gives life. Also in the sickness and suffering, remember that God loves life and he is close to you. I bless you with my heart and I keep you close to me.
Goodbye my children".

Message received on Sunday 22nd September, 2002 in Paratico (Brescia) -on the hill of apparitions-

"My dear children, I have walked with you to this hill, place of faith and hope.
Today I come here, in this valley I love so much to urge each of my children to come back to God. My children, leave the path of sin and vice and begin to walk towards the conversion that leads to God. Dear children, I ask you to pray with your heart and I urge you to be witnesses for all your brothers.
I bless you all in the name of God who is Father, in the name of God who is Son, in the name of God who is Spirit of Love. Amen.
I keep all of you tight in my heart and I kiss each of you. Goodbye my children."

Message received on Saturday 28th September, 2002 in Villasor (Cagliari)

"My children, I come to this place where I have revealed myself as Our Lady of Tears and Mother of Love to bring my call. I urge you to co-operate for the good of your brothers and be together as real apostles of prayer. My children, I have stayed with you in this afternoon of prayers and I have prayed with you. I have put all the sufferings of the world, all the joys of your hearts, the anguish of many hearts far from God in the chalice. My children, with our heart we tell Jesus our love: Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Children, I ask you to pray for peace that is constantly threatened. All men have to understand that God is a God of peace and wishes peace and love to triumph in the whole world. I give you peace. Goodbye my children". 

Message received on Saturday 12th October, 2002 in Carbonara di Nola (Naples)

"My dear children, I have been praying with you and I am here to bless you.
My children, the dark clouds massing in the sky cannot leave men and their hearts cold. That is why, my children, I urge you intensify your prayers. The prayer is the only, big weapon you have in your hands. My children pray, pray, be prayer. I bless you all in the name of God who is Father, in the name of God who is Spirit of Love. Amen. Thank you for being here to pray, I follow you to your houses and I kiss you. Goodbye my children". 

Message received on Sunday 27th October, 2002 in Paratico (Brescia)

"My dear children thank you for being here to pray. I beg you my beloved children to rush your conversion, do not wait for the announced signs, for the non believers it will be too late to convert. My children, you have trusted me the future of the world and of each being; I will pray my Son so that he will not punish the world that is deviating more and more from Him. I urge you to pray, to fast and to do charity actions waiting for the new times. Even if some people have difficulty to accept my apparitions on earth, I bless and embrace everybody. I bless you in the name of God who is Father, in the name of God who is Son, in the name of God who is Spirit of Love. Amen. Today I specially bless your rosaries, pray my children.

Message received on Sunday 4th November, 2002 in Galliate Lombardo (Varese)

"Dear children, today I ask you to rejoice and thank God with me for the gift of faith. I ask you to keep it, with the daily prayer, as a precious treasure. My children, while the world is suffering the purification times I urge you to pray. I bless you with my heart and I keep you close to me".

Message received on Thursday 8th November, 2002 in Rome

"My beloved child, here today, on the grave of the holy apostles I have confided you my suffering for many religious who leave God and His laws. My child, I beg you to pray for the Holy Church of God so that it will always be faithful to Jesus’ words. Beloved child, I ask all ministers of God to live their calling without drinking up to the end the cup of vices. Be your prayer for the pope and for the whole Holy Church of God. I bless you with my heart and I kiss you".

Message received on Sunday 24th November, 2002 in Paratico (Brescia)

"My dear children open your hearts and listen to the voice of God who is talking to your life. Pray much in this time, prayer is your very powerful weapon, it is a impenetrable and indestructible shielding. I repeat once again with my heart: trust me, please! It is so beautiful to trust one’s life to God the Almighty, it is so beautiful to dive into the mercy of the Divine Heart of our King and Lord, it is so beautiful to live in the Holy Spirit, the only able to guide and give love.
I bless you with all my heart my children and I ask you to respond generously to the call of God. My motherly blessing is in the name of God who is Father, in the name of God who is Son, in the name of God who is Spirit of Love. Amen.
I keep you tight in my heart and I kiss you.
Goodbye my children".

Message received on Sunday 1st December, 2002
in the sanctuary "Our Lady of graces"
in Pezzo di Villa San Giovanni (Reggio Calabria)

"Dear children, thank you for being here to pray. With you I have prayed, with you I pray and with you I will always pray. Beloved children, in this times of grace I urge you to open your heart to God so that He can operate big things in you. The Holy Trinity has allowed me to come to this temple which I love so much, to bring my call and my blessing. Dear children, be prayer, stay awake in each moment of your life and be ready to welcome the Kingdom of God that soon will triumph in the world.
I bless you in the name of God who is Father, in the name of God who is Son, in the name of God who is Spirit of Love. Amen.
I keep you tight and I kiss each of you. Go back to your houses and bring there my blessing. Thank you my children when you tell with your heart, with me: Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! Jesus I love you! This is our love for Him, this has to be all in your life, my children! I wait for you here to pray.
Thank you. Goodbye my children".

Message received on 8th December, 2002 in the church of Calenzano (Florence)

"My dear children, I come today to this place to ask you to put your heart in mine and trust your life to God the Almighty. My children, the Almighty has done big things in my life, He is doing big things for you, in each moment. God loves each of you and He sends me to you to bring you all back to Him.
Today I tell you: ‘consecrate yourselves to my Immaculate Heart’, it is God’s will. Trust everything in God’s hand, it is in good hands.
I bless you with all my heart, thank you for being here to pray.
Goodbye my children". 

Message received on 22nd December, 2002 in Paratico (Brescia)

"My dear children, prepare your heart to welcome Jesus, the King of Peace. My children, while war and hate are in the air, I urge you to pray with your heart.
Yes, my children, pray. Beloved children, Jesus God whom I will lay in your hearts is the Lord of your life, he is the King of the World, he is the King of history, welcome him while waiting for the triumph of his Kingdom.
I bless you in the name of God who is Father, in the name of God who is Son, in the name of God who is Spirit of Love. Amen.
I hold you tight in my heart and I kiss you. Goodbye my children."

Message received on the Holy Christmas night Wednesday 25th December, 2002

At 01.25 a.m. the Mother of Love has appeared to Marco with baby Jesus in her arms. Marco says "The vision of Our Lady with Jesus in her arms has surely last for a few minutes. The Virgin Mary held Him tight in her arms while she adored Him and prayed Him to give the hearts, the families and the whole world peace. She has then laid Him in my unworthy arms: I have had the joy to adore the little Jesus for a few unforgettable moments. He wore a very beautiful golden garment."

There is much joy in Marco’s words who told us about the joyful moment. He told us further "I have adored and praised Jesus, I have cried in front of Him, I have then prayed the little Jesus while the Mother talked to Him and trusted Him the whole world. I have adored and contemplated Him with Mary’s eyes. I am happy and I ask for their blessing upon everybody. This all while waiting for the new year that is going to be intensive and will ask us much work, prayers, trust and faith in God."


Message received on 26th January, 2003 in Paratico (Brescia).
This message was received during an apparition.

"My dear children, today I come here to tell you: do not be afraid! My children, the sufferings, the anguish, the lack of incomprehension of this time are preparing you to meet the Bridegroom. My children, the big warning is coming closer and I ask you to be prayer. Pray, pray, pray…
I bless you with my heart, especially those who suffer, people who suffer from AIDS, leprosy and all those whom you, today, you have brought here in your prayers.
I hold you tight to my heart and I give you peace. Goodbye my children" 

Message received on Sunday 23rd February, 2003 in Paratico (Brescia)

"My dear children, pray, pray, pray….
Beloved children, pray today for peace more than ever, bring peace, Jesus will see your faith and He will give you His peace.
I bless you in the name of God who is Father, in the name of God who is Son, in the name of God who is Spirit of Love. Amen.
Thank you for being here to pray, I follow you to your houses and I kiss you. Goodbye my children". 

Message received on Monday 17th March 2003 in Paratico (Brescia)

"My dear and beloved children, you have had the time to convert…now my children, ask and beg the mercy of Lord. I wait for your prayers. Goodbye my children"
After having received the message Marco told us he talked shortly with our Mother. For the moment he does not want to tell what she told not to alarm anyone. He only says "this afternoon I have confided to some bishops the urgent requests of our Mother. I urgently invite everybody to pray and fast".

Message received on Sunday 23rd March, 2003 in Paratico (Brescia) 9th anniversary of her apparitions

Dear children, today I am here with you to urge you once again to be prayer! My children, I urge you to love and live my messages, I urge you to convert your heart. My children, without conversion the real peace cannot be achieved! Peace is a gift of God, gift of the King of Peace. Bring love and peace everywhere!
My children, in these years of grace I have brought you my messages and I have asked you to come back to God. Live now what I have been asking and love God in your brothers.
I bless you with my heart in the name of God who is Father, in the name of God who is Son, in the name of God who is Spirit of Love. Amen.
I follow you in your houses and I kiss each of you.
Goodbye my children.

Message received on Saturday 12th April, 2003 during the prayer in Putignano (Bari)

My dear and beloved children, through my instrument I am here, in this place I love so much with joy in my heart to greet you.
My children, in your hands are the prayer and fasting, these powerful weapons. In your heart is charity you often show with actions: live as real children of God and love all your brothers. I ask you to pray with your heart, I ask you to pray spontaneously.
I bless you in the name of God who is Father, in the name of God who is Son, in the name of God who is Spirit of Love. Amen. I hold you close to me, thank you for being here to pray. Good bye my children.

Message received on Sunday 27th April, 2003 at the end of the procession in Paratico (Brescia)

My dear children, I come to this place I love to praise and thank God, rich of Love and Mercy for you and the whole world. My dear and beloved children, with my heart I tell you today: pray and hope, pray and give hope to those around you. Do not let your heart being wrapped in sadness: who fully trusts God cannot groan! My children, your Mother is always with you, do not worry. Live every day my messages and you will win the evil that seems to triumph.
My children, I invite you to understand the importance of my apparitions and the seriousness of the situation. I urge you to the real and spontaneous prayer, today with you I wish to start the month of May to me dedicated and I invite you to be prayer.
I bless you with my heart in the name of God who is Father, in the name of God who is Son, in the name of God who is Spirit of Love. Amen.
I hold you in my heart and I promise you to stay here to listen to your prayers.
Good bye my children.

Message received on Thursday 1st May, 2003 during the prayer in the church of Calenzano (Florence)

My dear children, I have prayed with you, I pray with you and I will always pray with you. My children, Jesus is waiting for your prayers, Jesus is waiting for you hearts, pray and give love to whom is around you.
My children, today I wish to wrap you in my mantle and take you all to the way of conversion. Dear children, give to God all your past, give Him please all the bad amassed in your hearts. Consecrate to God the present and offer Him the future.
With Saint Joseph and all Saints who protect you I bless you in the name of God who is Father, in the name of God who is Son, in the name of God who is Spirit of Love. Amen.

Message received on Sunday 18th May, 2003 during the prayer in Assemini (Cagliari)

My dear children, here I am through this instrument of mine, to thank you for your prayers. My children, every moment I pray with you that the Holy Spirit may give you the light to be true witnesses of his love. My children, once again I ask you to be prayer and to discover again the purity and greatness of the prayers. I ask you to bring the prayer to your families and amongst the people. My children, pray God to light up the way you have to go, pray so that your hearts understand the projects the Holy Trinity has for you. I urge you again to unite all your forces and bring concrete help in the place I have told you. Many of my children, your brothers are waiting for your help. My children: the prayer is the fruit of faith, charity is the fruit of love.
I bless you with my heart and today I bless in a special way the Vicar of Christ that in these days my instrument has met*. I open my mantle on you and I send you the light you need in your life. I bless you in the name of God who is Father, in the name of God who is Son, in the name of God who is Spirit of Love. Amen. I follow you and I keep you close to my heart. Goodbye my children. * (In May Marco met the Pope in Rome)

Message received on Sunday 25th May 2003 in Paratico (Brescia)

My dear and beloved children, I have walked with you and listened to your prayers. My beloved children, I have stayed in this place to listen to your prayers. I would like so much that many of my children would often gather here to pray and thank the Holy Trinity. Dear children, I have asked you to understand the importance of my coming here; today I urge you to love this tip of land that God has blessed for you and for all.
My children, Jesus has allowed it and in this month to me consecrated I have come on tiptoe to your houses and to the groups of prayers consecrated to me where I have brought my blessing and left my caresses.
My dear children, while I bless you with my heart I hold my instrument tight and I encourage him to continue with this work I have wanted and I have blessed in a very special way. Many of my children, your brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ are waiting for your gestures of love. I bless your good deeds and I follow those who help the poor to smile again.
I bless you in the name of God who is Father, in the name of God who is Son, in the name of God who is Spirit of Love. Amen.
Thank you for being here to pray, I follow you in your houses and I give you the light.
Goodbye my children.

Message received on Sunday 22nd June, 2003 in Paratico (Brescia)

My dear children, I have prayed with you and offered your prayers to Jesus.
My children, stay often with Jesus Eucharistic. My children, stay often in front of the Tabernacle of Jesus: He is there, alive and real to listen and answer to you. My children, I urge you to pray with your heart for Europe and the whole world. My children, I urge you to pray with your heart to give love and light to your brothers. My children, I urge you to love the prayer, I urge you to the real prayer and I ask you to be prayer yourself.
I bless you with my heart in the name of God who is Father, in the name of God who is Son, in the name of God who is Spirit of Love. Amen.
My children, Jesus is waiting for you: put yourself in His Divine Heart because He loves you!
I hold you to my heart and I kiss each of you. Goodbye my children.