22 March 2020 - PARATICO (BRESCIA)

My dear and beloved children, I am close to each of you in this time of trial and purification.
Children, you are not alone! I welcome you all in My Heart, it is a safe haven for you and for all, fear not, I am with you!
My children, in your prayer, never forget that God is love and that faith is the fruit of true love.
I welcome you and caress you one by one. I welcome everyone in the name of God who is Father, in the name of God who is Son, in the name of God who is the Spirit of Love. Amen.
Hello, my children, you are all in my Heart!

DAY OF GRACE! The public appearance on the fourth Sunday of the month took place during the recitation of the Holy Rosary which was broadcast via social media.
As a result of the serious pandemic situation we are experiencing, the seer, was not at Paratico, but at his home and with all his family gathered in prayer.
The apparition took place at 3:40 p.m. and lasted about four minutes. Marco reported that Maria was not smiling and wore the traditional dress.


26 April 2020 - PARATICO (BRESCIA)

My dear and beloved children, with you I have prayed and with you I have pleaded with the Mercy of the Divine Heart of Jesus for you and for the whole world. Children, pray that all the inhabitants of the earth will experience His Holy and Divine Mercy in these hours of suffering. Children, His Mercy washes the world from sin and purifies all hearts.
Remember, my children, that you have never been alone. I am always with you!
My children, I wish that in the present moment, there be more faith in you! Yes, my children, a true faith, a living faith, an authentic faith, a luminous faith, a charitable faith and not a faith of fears. Children, may there be more faith in you!
Turning towards you, the Holy Trinity blesses you with love in the name of God who is Father, of God who is Son, of God who is the Spirit of Love. Amen.
Thank you for staying with me in prayer! I embrace you, I caress you one by one and I hold you to My Heart. Goodbye, my children.

DAY OF GRACE! The public appearance on the fourth Sunday of the month took place during the recitation of the Holy Rosary, which was broadcast via social media on the occasion.
Following the serious pandemic situation we are experiencing, the visionary was not in Paratico but at his home and with all his family gathered in prayer.
The apparition took place at 3:45 p.m. and lasted about five minutes. Marco reported that Mary was quite smiling and wore the traditional dress.


24 May 2020
during the prayer of the 4th sunday of the month
on the hill of apparitions in Paratico (Brescia)

My dear and beloved children, I rejoice in finding you here in prayer...
Beloved children, my presence today in this place is grace, and grace is transformed into blessing!
Too many of my children still live far from god's love. Too many of my children let themselves be distracted by the world. The purification that humanity is experiencing is not welcomed as a "gift" to change one's heart. Beloved children, allow yourselves to be guided by Me towards the love of God. Abandon yourself in my arms. I take you to the source of Love and Mercy that is His Divine Heart. My children, abandon yourself in My arms, fear not... I wish to bring you all to Jesus, to bring you all to holiness.
I love you, especially you here gathered in prayer. I bless you all in the name of God who is Father, of God who is Son, of God who is the Spirit of Love. Amen.
Thank you for your presence which is rich in love and faith. Goodbye, my children.


Sunday, 28 June 2020
during the prayer of the 4th sunday of the month
on the hill of apparitions in Paratico (Brescia)

My dear and beloved children, I rejoice in finding you here in prayer.
Beloved children, to the Divine Heart of Jesus, who loves you so much, we say together: Jesus, I love you! Jesus, I love you! Jesus, I love you! Jesus... My children, the Heart of Jesus rejoices when you transform your praise, invocations and prayers into love for your brothers and sisters, toward all your brothers and sisters.
Beloved children! That is why I invite you to love one another and walk towards the light of holiness. Children, to love Jesus means to do HIS will and to bear witness to HIM in your life. My Children, loving Jesus means loving Him also in the brother who, as you say, is more problematic and near to you. Loving Jesus means loving Him in those who suffer in body and spirit, loving Jesus means not turning our gaze away from those who suffer because of the selfishness of other brothers and sisters, loving Jesus means loving the Holy Church and praying for her sanctification , loving Jesus means loving prayer and charity, especially living them. Children, loving Jesus means always having faith in him!
May His Most Sacred Heart, rich in mercy and grace, bless and always accompany you. I bless you, children, in the name of God who is Father, of God who is Son, of God who is the Spirit of Love. Amen.  I kiss you all and hold you to our Hearts!
Goodbye, my children.


Sunday, 26 July 2020
during the prayer of the 4th sunday of the month
on the hill of apparitions in Paratico (Brescia)

My dear and beloved children, I come among you to embrace you all with love and to invite you to prayer in these dark times when the evil one sows weeds among souls.
My children, I invite you to love Jesus, to welcome Jesus into your life. Yes, my children, you must love him not only with words, with beautiful formulas or prayers. You must love him by living his Gospel to the full.
My children, I invite you to love Jesus, to welcome Jesus, to follow Jesus into the world. Children, the world needs courageous witnesses of the Gospel of Jesus, the world urgently needs witnesses of charity and love. I heartily and joyfully bless today the statue image (*) that depicts me as MOTHER OF LOVE. Just in this way and with this title I have presented myself for years to my docile and beloved instrument.  I bless those who have made it - I have blessed and guided his hands and his heart - and I thank him. I bless all those who before this statue will support me with faith in prayer by asking me to intercede before the Most Holy Trinity. I bless with all my heart and as a mother I intercede for all! I welcome everything and everyone in the name of God who is Father, in the name of God who is Son, in the name of God who is the Spirit of Love. Amen. My children, I accompany you to your homes and kiss you one by one. Goodbye, my children. 

(*) Our Lady blessed the statue, made and given to Mark by the sculptor Martin (of Bolzano) and used words of tenderness for him and for all those who before this statue will pray.


Sunday, 23 August 2020
during the prayer of the 4th sunday of the month
a Paratico (Brescia)

My dear and beloved children, I come among you to urge you again to return to God!
Beloved children, I see that many persons reject the infinite love of My Son, many live far from God, and the world also distracts you from His Word, from His Gospel.
Beloved children, return to God, return to live according to His commands, return to be faithful to His Word which is the  Way, the Truth and the Life. Beloved children, I urge you to pray, to do penance and sacrifice, I urge you to love everyone and to be merciful.
I ask my beloved children, yes, the Holy Church of My Son, to return to the origins of faith and to fight, in these dark times when the evil one sows evil and hatred in hearts, with the most powerful weapons of prayer, penance and charity.
I am with you, beloved children, I am and I remain with you! I bless all of you from my heart, especially those who suffer in body and spirit. I bless you all in the name of God who is Father, in the name of God who is Son, in the name of God who is the Spirit of Love. Amen.
My children, returning to your homes, bring my message, bring my smile and my blessing to all who await you.
Goodbye, my children.


Sunday, September 27, 2020
during the prayer of the 4th sunday of the month
a Paratico (Brescia)

My dear and beloved children, I am with you today and I rejoice in finding you here in prayer.
Pray, children, pray more, and live the commandments of love, live by doing good toward your brothers and sisters. Love your children, live the Gospel of Jesus, love God, and love your brothers and sisters! Beloved children, God loves you but you do not reciprocate His love!
My children, the world lives in darkness, the evil that surrounds you distances you from God, distances you from His love, brings you despondency in your hearts and makes you believe that there is no tomorrow, that there is no true love. My children, it is up to you to decide, it is up to you to choose who to follow, who to love and who to believe. My children, follow Jesus, welcome Jesus into your life. Please, children, welcome Jesus... Evil brings division, insecurities, confusion and takes away peace and serenity.
I love you my children, I love you all and I want to see you all saved, all united, all mine, all of Jesus...
My children, returning to your homes, bring my message, become witnesses of prayer and true love. Remember that it is not enough to pray if you then do not follow Jesus with your choices. I am with you and I invite you to bring into the world my blessing, which is in the name of God who is The Father, of God who is Son, of God who is the Spirit of Love. Amen.
Good bye, my children.


Sunday, October 25, 2020
during the prayer of the 4th sunday of the month
a Paratico (Brescia)

My dear and beloved children, I prayed with you on this day of grace.
My children, I urge you to live my messages, given here, bringing them into the world.
My children, I urge you to return to God, to love God above all else and to love every brother of yours. Be apostles of Love and Charity!
I bless you with all my heart in the name of God who is the Father, of God who is the Son, of God who is spirit of Love. Amen.
I bless you all with love and invite you to all remain under my mantle. I kiss you with affection...
Good-bye, my children.


Sunday, December 27, 2020
during the prayer of the 4th sunday of the month
a Paratico (Brescia)

My dear and beloved children, receive the love of God! Children, His love is without measure and is given to each of you. Welcome His love and bring him into the world, take him everywhere to every brother and sister of yours. I sincerely bless you!
I bless your families. I bless all the families of the world in the name of God who is the Father, in the name of God who is the Son, in the name of God who is the Spirit of Love. Amen.
My children, welcome love and bring it into the world! Goodbye, my children. 

The prayer of the fourth Sunday of the month, following the latest government provisions, was broadcast via social media. The pilgrims were thus able to witness the public appearance that took place during the recitation of the Holy Rosary. Marco was in Paratico for prayer, the apparition took place at 3.30 pm and lasted a few minutes. Marco told us that Mary was smiling and wore the white dress with a golden profile.