during the prayer of the 4th sunday of the month in Paratico (Brescia)My dear and beloved children, I have prayed with you today and I invite you to live and spread prayer.
My children, I have asked you and I ask you to welcome Jesus into your hearts. It is He who transforms your life and walks with you towards the encounter with the brothers and sisters who have not yet known him.
My children, too many hearts are far from His love and do not want to accept the Gospel, which is the living Word that saves and enlightens.
My children, I invite you to pray with faith and at the same time, I urge you to live concretely the Work that I have asked for here from the beginning of my apparitions. The Work that I desire in this place is the witness of God's love, in prayer and charity.
Children, how can you come here saying: "I believe in this experience, I believe in this apparition...", if not to live my message? Children, my message is a call to live the Gospel of Jesus, a call to live the works of mercy that you know well but that you often obscure with so many reasonings that the evil one leads you to make. My invitation, beloved children, is to return to pure faith, to simple faith, to true faith; to return to live as the first Christian communities... My children, behold, the Work that I have asked for and ask for, is not up to others, it is up to all of you! As a sign of love, I bless you in the name of God who is Father, of God who is Son, of God who is Spirit of Love. Amen.
I kiss you one by one and, as you asked me today in prayer, I welcome you all under my mantle.
My children, in my Heart you are protected and loved. Invite all your brothers to enter into my Heart because I love everyone.
Goodbye, my children.Sunday, FEBRUARY 27, 2022
during the prayer of the 4th sunday of the month in Paratico (Brescia)My dear and beloved children, I have prayed with you and for you, I have listened today to your requests. I present everything to the Most Holy Trinity.
Children, the devil is angry and is sowing fear, hatred and death, injustices and catastrophes; but I am with you and remain with you. Children, I am with you!
Children, pray for peace, pray that peace will triumph first in your hearts, then in your families, in your communities and finally in the whole world. Children, pray and beg for the gift of peace, I pray with you and for you. I bless you in the name of God who is Father, of God who is Son, of God who is the Spirit of Love. Amen. I kiss you, I hold you all to My Heart.
Goodbye, my children.At the end of the apparition, Mary took her instrument by the hand and, in bilocation, took him to the places where there is war.
Upon awakening, the pilgrims close to Mark heard these phrases he said to Our Lady before greeting her: "no Mary... no Mary... Please... let this not happen."
After reading the message, Marco very much vexed, told those present that he saw scenes of destruction and death. Hatred can reach us in a short time if we do not pray with faith and put an end to this war between Russia and Ukraine.Sunday, MARCH 27, 2022
during the prayer of the 4th sunday of the month in Paratico (Brescia)My dear and beloved children, today I have walked beside each one of you and praised the Most Holy Trinity with you. Beloved children, we thank God who has been sending me among you for a long time to bring you all to His love.
Children, in these times of darkness and suffering for humanity, I exhort you to the prayer of the heart. Children, pray for peace!
My children, I invite you again to return to God, I invite you to run into the arms of God the Father who awaits you, I urge you to return to the Heart of Jesus who is ready to welcome you, I beseech you to let yourselves be guided and enlightened by the Holy Spirit who is Love.
I bless you all on this day of grace. In a special way, I bless my docile instrument, chosen by the Love of God to bring my message to this strip of land, and with him his wife, his family and all those who with them spread the love and mercy of God through works of charity in favor of the least, as a visible sign of the love of Jesus. I bless everyone from my heart in the name of God who is Father, of God who is Son, of God who is the Spirit of Love. Amen. I kiss you, caress you all and hold you close to Me. Goodbye, my children.Sunday, MAI 22, 2022
during the prayer of the 4th sunday of the month in Paratico (Brescia)My dear and beloved children, I am here with you, I pray with you and for you.
My children, I invite you to prayer and in a particular way to the daily recitation of the Holy Rosary, a prayer that the Most Holy Trinity appreciates so much. Pray it always and not only during this month dedicated to me.
Children, bring prayer back to your homes, bring prayer back into your lives, bring prayer and love of God and of your brothers and sisters back into the world. But children, if you do not listen and live my appeals, how can I bring you to God?
My children, there will never be peace in the world until there is love, respect and understanding among you! Pray, pray always for the triumph of My Immaculate Heart. Children, pray!
I cordially bless you in the name of God who is Father, of God who is Son, of God who is the Spirit of Love. Amen.
I kiss you and hold you close to me. Goodbye, my children.Sunday, NOVEMBER 27, 2022
during the prayer of the 4th sunday of the month in Paratico (Brescia)My dear and beloved children, My Heart rejoices in finding you here in prayer, thank you children! (*)
My children, I have prayed for you and with you and I present all your intentions to the Heart of My Son, Jesus. He will grant them.
My children, if you want to be light in the world, pray, live your life loving your brothers and sisters; especially those who are abandoned and discarded by the world and be workers of peace and justice.
My children, I urge you to be a gift of love to those around you by living the Gospel of Jesus with love and commitment.
I am with you in this time of trials and I bless you in the name of God who is Father, of God who is Son and of God who is the Spirit of Love. Amen.
I caress and kiss you one by one. Goodbye, my children.(*) After a while from the moment in which Marco went into ecstasy falling on his knees, the people who were next to the seer, testify that they felt an intense scent of roses that lasted throughout the apparition.
Sunday, DECEMBER 25, 2022
during the prayer of the 4th sunday of the month in Paratico (Brescia)My dear and beloved children, the King of peace, Christ Jesus, was born to bring peace and love to the world, welcome him, children!
My children, in these days I have seen so many of you hurried and busy in their material expenses, in the search for gifts, in the preparation of dishes, in cleaning the house ... but few have bothered to prepare their hearts for the arrival of the Lord Jesus. Children, there is the risk of having everything in place, orderly and clean, but not having the heart ready to welcome the birthday baby of Christmas who is Jesus and His eternal Word. Repeat with me, dear children, with faith: come Lord into my life, transform it with love, come Lord Jesus into my heart!
I invite you, my children, not to worry about worldly things but to prepare your heart for the encounter with Him. Jesus was born for you, He came into the world to give you His love, children, welcome Him and bring Him to those who are far from His love.
Children, with Jesus in my arms, I bless you in the name of God who is Father, in the name of God who is Son, in His name, and in the name of God who is the Spirit of Love. Amen.
I caress you, hold you to my heart and kiss you one by one. Let us walk together in peace and light, children...
Goodbye, my children.