The Mother of Love |
traduzioni curate da Padre Joseph S.
has been appearing in Paratico (Brescia) - Italy
since March 26th 1994 and through her instrument,
Marco, gives her motherly calls to mankind to convert and return to God."Dearest children, I come am here again as Mother of Love to ask you to live what I have been asking for two years: live charity, live solidarity, live humility, live love and live life. Beloved children, time has come to act.
My dear children, this is the time to live your prayer, it is time to pray; yes my children, but remember that prayer has to come from your heart...
I bless you, I protect you with my mantle and kiss you all. Good bye my children."
(message from March 26th1996)
# Messages Mother of Love - year 1994 -2003
# Messages Mother of Love - year 2012
# Messages Mother of Love - year 2017
# Messages Mother of Love - year 2018
# Messages Mother of Love - year 2019
# Messages Mother of Love - year 2020
# Messages Mother of Love - year 2021
# Messages Mother of Love - year 2022
# Messages Mother of Love - year 2023
# Messages Mother of Love - year 2024
# Messages Mother of Love - year 2025
Mother of Love, Virgin Immaculate,
our Queen and Mother full of love,
to whom God wished to entrust the task
of our sanctification,
please accept this prayer of mine.
I offer you all my being and all my life:
everything I have, everything I love,
everything I am:
my body, my heart, my soul.
Let me understand God's will on me.
Give that I can newly discover
my true Christian vocation,
that I can see its immense beauty,
and understand the secrets of your love.
I ask you to give me a deep knowing of you,
and your readiness to follow the Lord.
Let me have a great love towards the Church
and a delicate solicitude
towards all men and women, who are my brothers and sisters
to take them all to God
through your Immaculate Heart.
An open letter from Marco
Dear friends, dear brothers and sisters, in the episode of the gospel according to Luke (chapter 7), a keels down at the feet of our Lord Jesus and starts crying.
The first attitude that we can learn from this woman - Luke says it was a sinful woman - is to put ourselves at the feet of the Master. The members of our Association, "The Work" and "Oasis“, the participants of the groups of " prayer - missionaries ", should be all the Lord's feet , and know in their conscience that without Jesus , we cannot do anything. So here is the main thing I invite you to do is praying, keeping in mind that in all the oases we have founded the church or chapel is the focal point. I think this is crucial, because He is the Lord, the Founder, the Architect, the Master, the Doctor, the Director, and without Him we do not have success, we cannot move forward. I want to thank all those who come together each week in groups to pray the Holy Rosary and those who find themselves on Saturdays afternoon before Jesus in the Eucharist. The words the Virgin Mary donated to us are clear and deep: «Jesus is in the tabernacles throughout the world, He is there, and alive, true and real ... He's the Prisoner of Love for you." Thank you, continue praying and adoring. This is crucial, dear brothers and sisters, this means to kneel down at Jesus’ feet!
The second attitude of this woman is that she starts to dry Jesus’ feet with her hair. This is the attitude of humbleness; we all need to be humble. The humble person is the one who says, "It is my turn". Yes, „it is my turn – here I am," in words, gestures and works. Those who follow Mary and want to live the Gospel do not stop and say "Whose turn is it, it is his turn, it is her turn"… No, he engages himself and says: „I shall do it... " . This must be our attitude, that of humbleness and service, this is nice, this is very deep. All of us, including me who is writing this, including you who are reading or shall be reading this in the future when God calls you, we must answer the call, saying: "Here I am, my Lord"! We all have to be humble servants, we must with serenity, and humbleness, love what the Lord is asking us to do in this spiritual and charitable reality of our lives. What we do, we must not do it for Marco, for our friend, for the responsible person, for the member of the Association we agree with at best, we do it for Jesus. Why are we part of this Work? Because Jesus asks me to, He asks me to love, he tells me: I was hungry, thirsty, naked, in prison... and thou hast fed, watered, clothed and visited." Everything we do, we are doing it for Jesus and with Jesus!
The let us see what is the third attitude of this woman. After having cried and wiped the feet of the Lord, she kisses them. We, dear friends, usually kiss people who are important to us; it is a sign of friendship, fellowship, comfort, unity and charity. The woman does not complain if others judge her, she kisses the Lord.
In prayer, in adoration, we kiss the Lord. In charity and solidarity to the brother who suffers, we touch His wounds, kiss His wounds...
This is what I tried to do in my life, dear brothers and sisters; this is what I want to witness to you all. With love, humility, and charity, I tried to kiss the Lord and kiss my Neighbour, the Neighbour whom the Lord sends me every day and need a caress, a word of practical help.
Let us remain united, as the apostles were in the in the Cenacle, we are in the Cenacle together with Mary , the sweet and dear Mother of Heaven , we await the descent of the Holy Spirit and let us be guided towards holiness. Pray for me!
Dear brothers and sisters, I am praying for all of you. I am praying that may the future, which is in the hands of God, be full of graces and blessings for all and for the Mary’s work.
With all my heart I wish you "Peace and all good" to you and your family.
Paratico, 25-05-2014